Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 712

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs When you lose friends, you go down many steps. When you lose on the drum-beating if the gods, you lose on the rhythm and pace of life. When you lose the rhythm of the drumbeat of God, you are lost from the peace and rhythm of life. When you meet a man, you judge him by his clothes; when you leave, you judge him by his heart. When you mention a snake, have a stick ready in your hand. When you mention 'dog,' you should get a stick. When you open a door, don't forget to close it. Treat your mouth accordingly. When you persuade, speak of interest, not of reason. When you plant a yam it produces another yam. When you play the flute in Zanzibar all Africa dances. When you play with a lion, do not put your hand in its mouth. When you play, you may break your head. When you point your finger at someone, look where the other fingers point. When you pull the tooth, it will stop hurting. When you put your nose into the water your cheeks get wet as well. When you raise a leopard, you shouldn't be upset when it eats your goat. When you reach the top, keep climbing. When you reject gifts from heaven you will be rewarded in hell. When you rely too much on reason, you end up not relying enough on feeling. When you remove the pack-saddle the sores become visible. When you return from a trip, bring back something for your family -- even if it is only a stone. When you run alone, you run fast. When you run together, you run far. When you say one thing, the clever person 711 understands three. When you see a goat you should always hit him, because he is either going into mischief or coming out of it. When you see a palm tree, the palm tree has seen you. When you see a rat running in a fire then what it's running away from is hotter than fire. When you see a sheep's wool sky you know, if it doesn't rain today, it will rain in the morning. When you see a snake, never mind where he came from. When you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know he had some help. When you see clouds gathering, prepare to catch rainwater. When you see gossamer flying, be sure the air is drying. When you see many dogs at a bone, it's best to make yourself scarce. When you see that it's going astray, take the mule by the reins. When you see that someone is cutting your neighbor's beard, start wetting yours. When you see the gossaner flying, be sure the air is drying. When you see the wolf, do not look for his track. When you shoot a zebra in the black stripe, the white dies too; shoot it in the white and the black dies too. When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. When you show the moon to a child, it sees only your finger. When you sleep in a house your thoughts are as high as the ceiling, when you sleep outside they are as high as the stars. When you smile at someone, you do yourself a favor. When you speak, know that which can be brought against you. When you spit against the wind you get a dirty beard.