Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 700

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs When the cat's away the rats will play. When the cat's away, it is jubilee with the mice. When the cat's away, the mice will play. When the cat's away, the rats dance on the table. When the cat's stomach is full, the rat's back is bitter. When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. When the child cuts its teeth, death is on the watch. When the child falls the mother weeps; when the mother falls the child laughs. When the child is christened, you will have godfathers enough. When the child is weaned, they say goodbye to the nurse. When the child is weened, the nurse is fired. When the cock craws the heart of a debtor skips a bit. When the cock is drunk, he forgets about the hawk. When the cock is euphoric, the brain is amnesic. When the cockroach decides to make the cock its friend, it must be ready to end up in the cock's stomach. When the cook and the steward fall out, we hear who stole the butter. When the cook is roasting for the butler, woe to the master's wine-cask. When the cord is tightest, it is nearest snapping. When the corsair promises masses and candles, it goes ill with the galley. When the cost is high think about it, when it's low, buy a lot. When the cow has been sold with firmness, you may relax for a while and go for a better one. When the crane attempts to dance with the house, she gets broken bones. When the crane passes, urge the oxen on. When the crocodile says that the river crossing is deep, you must believe it. When the crocodiles leave, the caymans 699 come. When the cuckoo sings, the wild boar loses its old coat, and the hen lays an egg without a false nest. And the ram's horns round out - he looks like a general. When the cucumber is small, you can warp it easier. When the cup is full, carry it even. When the cup is fullest, it is most difficult to carry. When the curry is tasty, the rice is hard. When the Czar has a cold, all Russia coughs. When the danger has passed, the saints are soon forgotten. When the danger is past, God is cheated. When the daughter dies, the son-in-law is dead as well. When the dead man sings, it may last a very long time. When the deal is done, discuss it no more; it is difficult to collect dispersed water. When the devil finds the door shut, he goes away. When the devil gets into the church, he seats himself on the altar. When the devil grows old, he turns himself hermit. When the devil grows poor he becomes a tax collector. When the devil reigns today, God will be master tomorrow. When the devil says his paternosters, he means to cheat you. When the devil says his prayers, he wants to cheat you. When the Devil was sick, the Devil a monk would be; when the Devil got well, the devil a monk was he. When the dew-laden breeze of the uplands creeps swiftly down, it brings with it the fragrance of the gardenia. When the dog is awake, the shepherd may sleep. When the dog is down, every one is ready to bite him.