Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 695

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs When he opens up his path, may he carry me along, safe and sound. When he was born, Solomon passed by his door, and could not go in. When he was fifteen the devil was a good looking boy. When herring mauger him bone show. When his head is broken he puts on his helmet. When hitting the horn of a single cow, the horns of a thousand cows hurt. When house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent. When hunger comes through the door, love jumps out the window. When hunger gets inside you, nothing else can. When hunger is appeased we can preach the merits of fasting. When husband and wife live in harmony, they can dry up the ocean without a bucket. When hyenas go away jackals rejoice. When I am dead the world can be an ocean or a dried up ditch. When I did well, I heard it never; when I did ill, I heard it ever. When I drown, the whole world drowns. When I eat your bread, I sing your song. When I had money everyone called me brother. When I have money in my purse, I have food in my mouth. When I hear you, I believe you. When I see what you do, I'm surprised. When I rest, I rust. When I was born I wept, and every day brings a reason why. When ill-luck falls asleep let nobody wake her. When I'm dead, everybody's dead -- and the pig too. When in charge, ponder. When in trouble, delegate. When in doubt, mumble. When in doubt of what is right, consult your pillow overnight. When in doubt who will win, be neutral. 694 When in doubt, do nought. When in doubt, don't. When in doubt, find out. When in doubt, Gallop. When in doubt, lie. When in doubt, surprise them. When in doubt, win the trick. When in good health we easily give good advice to the sick. When in March sun and water are taking turns with water and sun, the mules end up doing the carrying. When in motion, to push on is easy. When in need, you shall know a friend. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in someone else's home, leave your defects at the door. When in the city of the pretenders, be pretending. When industry goes out of the door, poverty comes in at the window. When it blows, the trees shake. When it is God's will to plague a man, a mouse can bite him to death. When it is good, bad is coming. (Don’t boast if your life is going well because life can change.) When it is in an unlucky phase, the vulture below, shits on the vulture above. When it is spring time, the grass will even grow under a big stone. When it is the turn of a man to become the head of a village, he does not need to diviner to tell him that he is destined to rule. When it pours upon the parson, it drops upon the clerk. When it rains and the sun comes out, foxes make love. When it rains in August, it rains honey and wine. When it rains in February, it will be temperate all the year. When it rains in the morning, take the plow and start sowing; when it rains between Vespers and nightfall, put on your boots.