Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 69

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A stone under water will never know when it is raining. A stone will remain forever while water passes. A store-house of evil is a woman if she is depraved. A storm in a glass of water. A story is only half told if there is only one side presented. A story without an author is not worth listening to. A stout bearded woman always bears something malicious. A stout bearded woman always bears something malicious. A stout heart breaks ill fortune. A stout heart crushes some ill luck. A stout heart overcomes ill fortune. A stout heart tempers adversity. A straight stick looks crooked in the water. A strange glass is emptied in one draught; your own glass not even in ten. A stranger comes with a small sharp knife. (Sometimes visitors can be of help.) A stranger dances - he does not sing. A stranger does not share the monkey. A stranger has big eyes but sees nothing. A stranger is like a white fowl. A stranger nearby is better than a far-away relative. A stranger’s soul is like a dark forest. A strawberry blossom will not moisten dry bread. A stream cannot rise about its source. A strong attack is half the battle won. A strong bull is seen by it’s scars. A strong fire is easily put out. A strong man is remembered on the day of the fight, and a gluttony on the day pounded yam is surplus. A strong man never stays long in the ground. A strong person doesn’t rush to wake up early morning. A strong remedy for evils is ignorance of them. A strong tree shall always grow from the roots and not the seeds. A stumble is not a fall. A stumble may prevent a fall. A stupid act entails doing the work twice over. A stupid act entails doing the work twice over. A stupid friend is a greater plague than a wise enemy. A stupid turtle-dove is sometimes surprised by night for wanting one more grain of castor-oil plant. A stupidly devout man, the slyly evil, and the sanctimonious woman - these will destroy the world. A sturdy beggar should hae a stout nae- sayer. A successful writer has a good memory and hopes that others do not have it. A summer’s sun is worth the having. A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content. A Sunday’s child never dies of the plague. A sure sign of age is loneliness. A surgeon experiments on the heads of orphans. A surgeon should be young, a physician old. A surgeon tries his experiments on the heads of orphans. A suspicious mind sees everything on the dark side. A sutra in a horse’s ear. A swan would die with pride only for its black feet. A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly. A sweaty foot seldom comes alone. A sweet lovely voice cannot make a dumb person talk. A swift eater, a swift worker. A sword anointed with honey. A sword in the hands of a drunken slave is less dangerous than science in the hands of the unscrupulous. 68