Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 670

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs War gives no opportunity for repeating a mistake. War has no eyes. War is a bad chisel with which to curve out tomorrow. War is a disaster for winner and loser alike. War is death's feast. War is good for business. War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. War is not porridge. War is spontaneous. (problems often happen unexpectedly) War is sweet to him who does not go to it. War is to a man what bed is to a woman. War is to men, childbirth is to women. War makes robbers, and peace hangs them. War makes thieves, and peace hangs them. War with all the world, and peace with England. War; friends and relatives. (Those who are closest to you are able to cause you pain.) Wark bears witnesse who weil does. Warm a frozen snake and it will be the first to bite you. Warm bed, cold food. Warm food, warm friendships. Warm water never forgets that it was once cold. Warm weather in June sets the corn in tune. Warmer than burning charcoal. Wars are caused by women and priests. Wars are created by old people’s fight, for those young to die. Was, flax, and tin; much in and little in. Wash a dog, comb a dog, still a dog remains a dog. Wash your dirty linen at home. Wash your hands in the flowing Ganges. Wash your hands often, your feet seldom, and your head never. Waste makes want. Waste not, want not. Wasting is a bad habit, saving is a sure income. Wasting time is stealing from oneself. Watch out for a bad woman and never trust 669 a good one. Watch out for the dog that doesn't bark and the man who says nothing. Watch out for the unexpected mushroom. Watch out for wooden nickels. Watch out lest the canoe land on a rocky reef. Watch the faces of those who bow low. Watch the fire burn on the other side of the river. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Watch your step when you walk: you may find nothing but you will not stumble. Watching is a part of good play. Watching what you say is your best friend. Water afar off quenches not fire. Water after does not quench a fire at hand. Water always finds a way out. Water and milk do not mix. Water and sun make work, water and wind make grain. Water and words are easy to pour but impossible to recover. Water by Saint John's takes oil and doesn't give bread. Water can do without fishes, fishes cannot do without water. Water can float a boat or sink it. Water can wear away even the hardest rock. Water does harm but wine comforts. Water does harm but wine makes you sing. Water does not forget the riverbed. (The great things that happened long ago are unforgettable.) Water does not run under a lying stone. Water does not stick to the mountain, and vengeance does not stick to a big heart. Water does not trickle out of his hand. Water does run, but blood does clod. Water ends up at the sea. Water erodes slopes. Water flows down the valley does not climb the hill.