Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 659

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Trust but verify. Trust dies because bad pay poisons him. Trust everybody, but thyself most. Trust god and keep your powder dry. Trust in Allah, but keep a tight leash on your camel. Trust in Allah, but tie your camel. Trust in God -- but tie your camel tight. Trust in god but lock your car. Trust in God but lock your doors. Trust in God upon good security. Trust in God, but mind your own business. Trust in God, but tie your camel. Trust is the biggest liability of all. Trust is the mother of exasperation. Trust makes way for treachery. Trust me, but look to thyself. Trust no one, until you have eaten a peck of salt with him. Trust not a dog that limps. Trust not a horse's heel, nor a dog's tooth. Trust not a horse's heels. Trust not a new friend or an old enemy. Trust not a skittish horse, nor a great lord, when they shake their heads. Trust not a spiteful man. Trust not a sword in the hands of a boy. Trust not a woman, even when dead. Trust not still water nor a silent man. Trust not the praise of a friend nor the contempt of an enemy. Trust not to God but upon good security. Trust not tow with firebrands, not a woman with men. Trust not your all in one ship. Trust not your gossip to a priest who has been a friar. Trust not your money to one whose eyes are bent on the ground. Trust the virgin and don't run. Trust was a good man; Trust-not was a better. Trust well rides away with the horse. Trust your best friend as you would your worst enemy. Trust your instincts. Trust yourself and your horse. 658 Trust, beware whom. Trust, but locate the doors. Trust, but not too much. Trust, but verify. Trusting in wealth is like looking for feathers on turtles. Trusting too much to others has been the ruin of many. Trusty as a troll. Truth and folly dwell in the wine-cask. Truth and honesty keep the crown o' the causey. Truth and morning become light with time. Truth and oil are ever above. Truth and oil come to the surface. Truth and oil, always come to the surface. Truth becomes lost in the turmoil of arguments. Truth came to market but could not be sold; however, we buy lies with ready cash. Truth can take you everywhere... including jail. Truth cannot be hid under a bushel. Truth cannot be hidden forever beneath evil. Truth comes back where she has once visited. Truth conquers all things. Truth creeps not into corners. Truth does not happen, it just is. Truth does not need many words. Truth fears no trial Truth fears nothing but concealment. Truth finds foes, where it makes none. Truth finds no asylum. Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about. Truth has a handsome countenance but torn garments. Truth has a scratched face. Truth has always a sure bottom. Truth has but one color, a lie has many. Truth has no branches. Truth ill-timed is as bad as a lie. Truth is a spectre that scares many. Truth is always homeless.