Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 656

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Too many calls confuse the dog. Too many candles will burn down the church. Too many captains the ship rolls. Too many captains will sink the ship. Too many cooks oversalt the porridge. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many cooks, cooking at the same time makes the day take long to break. Too many doctors caused the boy's death. Too many doctors too few medicines. Too many fingers spoil the pie. Too many hands will row the boat up a mountain. Too many irons in the fire. Too many sacks are the death of the ass. Too many words blacken your ears. Too much alms, the saint will be suspicious. Too much attention to the pigskin doesn't help the sheepskin. Too much bed makes a dull head. Too much bragging drives away wisdom. Too much breaks the bag. Too much callaloo, mek peppa-pot stew bitter. Too much care does more harm than good. Too much care may be as bad as downright negligence. Too much consulting confounds. Too much courtesy, too much craft. Too much discussion means a quarrel. Too much discussion will lead to a row. Too much familiarity breeds contempt. Too much force breeds suspicion. Too much good causes revolts. Too much happiness brings tears in our eyes. Too much honey cloys the stomach. Too much hope deceives. Too much humility is pride. Too much hurry, and get there tomorrow; take time, get there today. Too much is not enough. Too much is too much. Too much is worse than too little. Too much laughter discovers folly. Too much luck is bad luck. 655 Too much modesty brings shame. Too much money makes one mad. Too much of a good thing is worse than none at all Too much of a thing nauseates. Too much of anything is bad. Too much of everything is poisonous, but there is no too much love. Too much of one thing is good for nothing. Too much of ought is good for nought. Too much politeness conceals deceit. Too much politeness is impertinent. Too much prosperity makes most men fools. Too much prudishness makes the lover sick. Too much rain makes the green grain fall over. Too much scratching smarts, too much talking harms. Too much spirit shows a lack of it. Too much spoils and too little is not enough. Too much sugar is bitter. Too much sympathy with the unfortunate makes you unhappy. Too much talk breaks marriage. Too much water drowned the miller. Too much wax burns the church. Too much weight does break down de scale. Too much will soon break. Too much wine will make a sane man mad. Too much wisdom is folly. Too much zeal spoils everything [all]. Too nice can cost a lot of money. Too often do we waste time chasing a gust of wind or grasping at shadows. Too to will in two. Toom barrels mak much din. Toom ruse means empty praise. Toot your own horn lest the same be never tooted Tortoises only make progress when they stick there necks out. Touch a gall'd Horse on the back and he will fling. Touch a galled horse and he'll wince.