Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 654

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs To the world wisdom is folly; to the wise the world is foolish. To think that larks will fall into one's mouth ready roasted. To threaten the brave with death is like promising water to a duck. To throw away like a stick. To throw away the grass that is already cut. (Throwing away the good fortune that you already possess.) To touch a person in the eye. To touch the earth is to have harmony with nature. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive To travel is to see, to return is to talk. To travel is to see. To trouble me is better than to forget me. To truly love your wife, leave her alone eve- ry once in a while. To trust is good; not to trust is better. To try and fail is not laziness. To turn an obstacle to one's advantage is a great step towards victory. To understand a stammerer, you ought to stammer yourself. To understand life, endure pain. To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself. To us - in the tanks, going back - on the sleds. To violate the law is the same crime in the emperor as in the subject. To visit a sick person is to be feeding form his home. To wait and be patient soothes many a pang. To wait for darkness because of your indirect way of speaking To wait for luck is the same as waiting for death. To wait for the lilolo (a kind of fruit) to ripen while the tail rots. (waiting for some- thing that can’t happen while suffering) To wait is not to tremble. To walk is to dance. (Don’t be rude to people that you don’t know, because when you meet them again you will be 653 ashamed.) To want the last from the pot. To want to forget something is to remember it. To ward off the boredom of life, eat snails in May and fish in August. To wash an ass's head is but loss of time and soap. To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak. To wear two pairs of straw sandals at once. To weep on the smoke side To welcome you! Don’t refuse. (It is not good to refuse a gift.) To whiten ivory with dye is to spoil nature by art. To whom do you offer your shells for sale? To people who come from Saint Michel. To whom God gives an office, adds also senses to it. To whom is he any good, if he is no good to himself? To whom to much is given we require too much from him. To whom you tell your secret you surrender your freedom. To whom you tell your secrets, to him you resign your liberty. To win a dispute is to gain a chicken and lose a cow. To win a war quickly takes long preparation. To withhold truth is to bury gold. To work is to pray. To you your religion and to me my religion. To you your religion and to me my religion. To your son give a good name and a trade. Tobacco stick, will make a man well if he be sick. Today a man, tomorrow none. Today butterflies, tomorrow wasps. Today can't catch tomorrow. To-day for money, to-morrow for nothing. To-day I am a warrior. To-day in finery, to-morrow in filth.