Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 652

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs To run is not necessarily to arrive. to sail is necesary, survive is not necessary. To save one man is like saving the world. To scare a bird is not the best way to catch it. To scare a bird is not the way to catch it. To scrape the light off one's face. To search for thorns in the milk. To see a friend no road is too long. To see beauty you must have beauty in your soul. To see clouds. To see it rain is better than to be in it. To seek a woman to the belly. To seek without finding, equals waste of time. To sell honey to one who keeps hives. To separate the men from the boys. To serve a mean man may not be profitable. To serve a prince is like sleeping with a tiger. To serve our elders is a duty, our equals it is polite, but serving the young is humiliating. To set fire to a church is not so bad as to speak ill of a virgin. To set fire to the wood, you need the help of the wind. To set the wolf to keep the sheep. To share is sweet, but to pay is bitter. To shift Kalabo to another site. (something impossible to do) To show one's fist to a blind man is neither a sin nor a virtue. To silence another, first be silent yourself. To sing before breakfast is to weep before supper. To sing to the deaf, to talk with the dumb, and to dance for the blind are three foolish things. To sit by the ring and tell the man inside, 'knock him down.' To skin a mouse. To sleep (to live) long makes your hair come out gray To sleep in between, is to come early. (There are benefits in being early.) To sleep in one’s mother’s compartment is 651 perfect stupidity To smell one's own bosom is fit. To speak French doesn't mean you are smart. To speak ill of anyone is to speak ill of yourself. To speak is silver, to keep silent is gold. To speak is to sow; to listen is to reap. To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue. To speak the name of the dead is to make him live again. To speak with the whole heart. (Speak with confidence.) To spend much and gain little is the sure road to ruin. To spend the night in anger is better than to spend it repenting. To spoil a child is to maim it a bit. To spread the news is to multiply it. To squeeze an eel too hard is the way to lose it. To start a fight, one does not bring a knife that cuts but a needle that sews. To stay close together is not a relationship. (Just because people stay in close proximity with one another it does not necessarily mean they have a good relationship.) To stay together is to know each other. To step in the harmonica. To stir up a hornet’s nest. To stir where water is clean. (bring enmity between people who are in good relationship is to know what is stirring it.) To stop drinking, study a drunkard when you are sober. To straighten a tree, but at the beginning. (If you want children to have good manners it is best that you instill this in them from the beginning.) To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. To stumble is not falling down but it is to go forward. To stumble is not to fall.