Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 647

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs To do one's duty is to eat the prized fruit of honor. To do things wrong with best intentions is better than acting to the letter of the law with evil intentions. To do, one must be doing. To draw water into one's own rice field. To drunken mothers-in-law give full jugs. To each his own. To eat a sick man’s rat is to be told by the owner. To eat and drink, and sleep together, is mar- riage, methinks. To eat and to itch is in the beggining. To eat and to scratch one has but to begin. To eat from the same pot with another man, is to take an oath of perpetual friendship with him. To eat much leaves you with a swollen bel- ly. To eat with a bruise. To eat your peer’s faeces. (to fail in life) To endure is obligatory, but to like is not. To endure what is unendurable is true endurance. To engage in conflict, one does not bring a knife that cuts -but a needle that sews. To enjoy a grander sight, climb to a greater height. To enjoy life is worth so much more than it costs. To ensure a lasting relationship, do not offer a goat to your in-law for safe-keeping. To enter a small basket that has no exit. To enter into persons stomach. To err is human, to forgive divine. To err is human, to persist in it, beastly. To err is human. To err is human; to dine, divine. To err is human; to forgive is divine. To err is human; to keep it up is folly. To every answer you can find a new question. To every bird its nest seems fair. To every child his own neck ornament. To every cow its calf; to every book its copy. To every evil doer his evil day. 646 To every fool his cap. To every high mountain, there is a higher one. To every lord every honour. To every one his own is not too much. To every one who doth ask, but not everything he doth ask. To every saint his candle. To every saint his torch. To everything there is a season To expect what never comes, to lie in bed and not sleep, to serve well and not be advanced, are three things to die of. To express thanks is to provide for one's future. To extend your life by a year, take one less bite each meal. To fall is not painful for those who fly low. To fall off a good horse is at least worthwhile. To fall out of the frying-pan into the fire. To favor the ill is to injure the good. To feed the ambition in your heart is like carrying a tiger under your arm. To fight once shows bravery, but to fight all the time is stupid. To find ale, go into a bar. To find oneself in tight breeches. To find out about the road ahead, ask those coming back. To find the dog in the pot. To find your place in life is easier than to occupy it. To fish behind the net. To fish in troubled waters. To flee and to run are not all one. To follow everyone is wrong, to follow no one is worse. To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master. To forget a strong man who could help you is the same as to scorn him. To forget a wrong is the best revenge. To forget is impossible.