Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 640

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Three Spaniards, four opinions. Three strikes and you are out. Three things are good in small doses and bad in big ones: yeast, salt, and hesitation. Three things are not to be trusted; a cow's horn, a dog's tooth, and a horse's hoof. Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face. Three things come into the house uninvited: debts, age, and death. Three things demonstrate a lack of filial piety. Three things drive a man out of doors: smoke, dropping water, and a shrew. Three things drive a man outdoors; smoke, a leaking roof and a scolding wife. Three things give us hardy strength: sleeping on hairy mattresses, breathing cold air, and eating dry food. Three things have a flavor of the world to come: sabbath, the sun, and married love. Three things it is best to avoid: a strange dog, a flood, and a man who thinks he is wise. Three things kill a man: a scorching son, suppers, and cares. Three things make a man rich: Earning and not spending, promising and not doing, buying and not selling. Three things must epigrams, like bees, have all, A sting, and honey, and a body small. Three things please a man: a lovely home, a lovely wife, and lovely possessions. Three things show a man's character: his drinking, his pocket, and his anger. Three things that can't be taught: generosity, poetry and a singing voice. Three things to fear: a crumbling wall, an angry dog, and a shrew. Three things you cannot comprehend: the mind of a woman, the working of the bees, and the ebb and flow of the tide. Three times an early rise makes a whole day. 639 Three times measure, one time cut. Three who held each other are as good as six. Three women and a goose make a market. Three women will make as much noise as a market. Three women, a goose and two women make a whole fair. Three women, three geese, and three frogs, make a fair. Three years will eradicate even murderous thoughts. Three, helping one another, bear the burden of six. Thrift is a great revenue. Thrift is a great revenue. a little, often, leaves wrinkles in the purse. Thrift is better than an annuity. Thrift is to a man what chastity is to a woman. Thrift's gude revenue. Thrive by honesty or remain poor. Throats are all alike in swallowing. Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail. Through bumps, one learns to walk. Through dangers to distinction. Through faith man experiences the meaning of the world; through action he is to give it meaning. Through falls and stumbles, one learns to walk. Through not spending enough we spend too much. Through others I am somebody. Through the darkest of our troubles, love is beauty, love is pure. Through the darkest of our troubles, love is true and pure. Doubt it if it dwindle. Through wisdom is a house built, and by understanding it is established. Throw a lucky man in the sea, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth.