Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 625

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs There is no woman who sleeps so deeply that the sound of a guitar won't bring her to the window. There is no wormwood that comes into flower and does not wither. There is no worse apprentice than the one who doesn't want to know. There is no worse devil than a farmer who wants to be a gentleman. There is no worse fruit than that which never ripens. There is no worse joke than a true one. There is no worse robber than a bad book. There is no worse thief than a bad book. There is no worse water than that which sleeps. There is no worthless thing which could not be used something. There is none without a fault. There is not a pair of ears for every Jew. There is not a single season without fruit. There is not a tree in Heaven that is higher than the tree of patience. There is not enough room for two elephants to sit in the same shade. There is not only one pied dog in the world. There is not so bad a gill, but there's as bad a Will. There is not so much comfort in having children as there is sorrow in parting with them. There is not strength without unity. There is not the son of the front and the son of the back. There is not the thickness of a sixpence [peso] between good and evil. There is nothing as eloquent as a rattle- snake's tail. There is nothing better than a good reputation. There is nothing better than a good woman and nothing worse than a bad one. There is nothing better than a rich wife and a generous mother-in-law. There is nothing certain, but the uncertain. There is nothing for which the boors pray so much to God as that the horses of the 624 squirearchy may not die, for otherwise they would ride the boors with spurs. There is nothing hidden between Heaven and Earth. There is nothing in the world so poor as going to hell. There is nothing like deprivation to generate thanks for small mercies. There is nothing like leather. There is nothing lost by civility. There is nothing mair precious nor time. There is nothing more telling than wit. There is nothing new under the sun -- and that's why there remains such a mess. There is nothing new under the sun. There is nothing new, but what has become antiquated. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. There is nothing shameful in falling before a superior enemy. There is nothing sharper than a woman's tongue. There is nothing so bad but may be of some use. There is nothing so crouse, as a new washen louse. There is nothing so eloquent as the rattlesnake's tail. There is nothing so evil as the mind of a virtuous woman. There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse. There is nothing so intolerable as a fortunate fool. There is nothing so secret but it transpires. There is nothing so well done but may be mended. There is nothing that cannot be achieved by firm imagination. There is nothing to be gained by buying inferior goods. There is nothing without a cause. There is nothing worse than an old lover.