Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 620

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs There is an herb for every kind of sickness but not for death. There is an hour wherein a man might be happy all his life, could he find it. There is aye life for a living man. There is better fish in the sea than have ever been caught. There is bound to be a knot in a very long string. There is but an hour a day between a good housewife and a bad one. There is but one good mother-in-law and she is dead. There is but one road out of the tower and that leads to the scaffold. There is danger when a dog has once tasted flesh. There is delight in danger and danger in delight. There is enmity between to dig and to let dig. There is gossip every day, but if no one listens anymore the gossip will die. There is great force hidden in a sweet command. There is help for everything, except death. There is honey but no bees (where you can get something for free without consequences). There is honor among thieves. There is honor even among thieves. There is honour among thieves. There is hope from the sea but there is no hope from the land. There is life in a mussel as lang is it cheeps. There is life in the rain. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is little for the rake after the shool. There is little peace in that house where the hen crows and the cock is mute. There is little sap in dry peis hools. There is little to the rake to get after the beisome. There is little use building a fence around the garden to keep out the rabbits. There is little use in watching a bad woman. There is luck in leisure. 619 There is luck in odd numbers. There is many a fair thing full false. There is many a slip 'twixt cup and lip. There is measure in all things. There is meikle between word and deed. There is meikle hid meat in a Goose eye. There is mingling in friendship when man can utter all his whole mind to another. There is misfortune only where there is wealth. There is mony a true tale tald in a jest. There is more disputing about the shell than the kernel. There is more friendship in a half pint of whiskey than in a churn of buttermilk. There is more light than can be seen through the window. There is more than one dog name Bob. There is more than one way to skin a cat. There is more to be feared from the doctor than the disease. There is more to dancing than a pair of dancing shoes. There is more to honesty than meets the eye. There is na man so deaf as he that will not hear. There is na thief without a Resetter. There is naething ill said that's no ill tane. There is nane sae blind as them that wadna see. There is nary a feast or a party without a monk or a priest. There is naught so vile as a fickle tongue. There is neither wisdom nor courage in an empty belly. There is never a cry of "Wolf!" but the wolf is in the district. There is never a debt is paid so high as that which the wet owes to the dry. There is never a fish without a bone, and no man without faults. There is never a great dunghill at a sportsman's door. There is never an old brogue but there is a foot to fit it.