Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 613

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The world is a wheel and men are the fellowes, and the devil prowling around spins. The world is a wheel, there are some at the top and some who go to the bottom. The world is for him who has patience. The world is governed with little brains. The world is in the hands of fools. The world is like a goat's udder. It does not yile any milk, unless you punch and squeeze at it. The world is like a ladder: some go up and some go down. The world is like carrion; those who love and eat from it are dogs. The world is like that: one gives a melon, the other gets the stomach cramps. The world is nonsense: what looks beautiful in the morning looks ugly in the evening. The world is our house. Keep it clean. The world is story. The world is sustained by three things: justice, truth and peace. The world is the traveler's inn. The world is the world for the world. The world is wide to everyone. The world is your oyster. The world likes to be cheated. The world likes to have night-owls, that it may have matter for wonder. The world lives on hope. The world rests on three things: the bible, religious worship, and deeds of loving kindness. The world stands to those who have eyes. The world still he keeps at his staff's end that needs not to borrow and never will lend. The world teaches you more than your task- master. The world wags on with three things: doing, undoing, and pretending. The world will not find rest by just saying "peace." The world would not make a racehorse of a donkey. The world's a stage; each plays his part, and 612 takes his share. The world's like a ladder: one ascends, and one descends. The world's quiet and the pig is in the sty. The worm don't see nothing pretty in the robin's song. The worm grazes where it's born. The worm that exposes itself on the ground is waiting for a lucky bird to devour it. The worm that gnaws on the bean is the one inside the bean. The worm turns. The worse it is, in one respect, the better, in another respect. The worse service, the better luck. The worse the carpenter, the more the chips. The worse the dun, the worst the paymaster. The worse the passage the more welcome the port. The worse the wheel, the more it creaks. The worst ache is the present ache. The worst behaved students turn out to be the most pious preachers. The worst blind is that who doesn't want to see. The worst clothed go to windward. The worst devil is the one who prays. The worst ewe dungs in the milking-pail. The worst hog often gets the best pear. The worst is not always certain but it's very likely. The worst is yet to come The worst jests are those which are true. The worst kick is from a trained horse. The worst kind of dog is the one who does not want to bite. The worst kind of person is one whose power of speech is greater than his power of thought. The worst kind of poverty is to have many debts. The worst of a lawsuit is that out of one there grow a hundred. The worst person doesn't lack some good deeds.