Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 604

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The tongue of men is the whip of God. The tongue of the fool is always long. The tongue of woman is her sword, which never rusts. The tongue speaks, but the head doesn't know. The tongue talks at the head's cost. The tongue that belongs to a fake friend is sharper than a knife. The tongue that concedes will not wear out; obstinate teeth fall out. The tongue ties knots that the teeth cannot loosen. The tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few people can hold it. The tongue wounds more than a lance. The tool makes the hand proud. The tooth is a fool because it smiles to whom it even dislikes. The tooth laughs with the lance. The tooth often bites the tongue, and yet they keep together. The toothless man envies those who can eat well. The torah can be interpreted in 49 different ways. god told moses, 'decide according to the majority.' The torment of envy is like a grain of sand in the eye. The tortoise is friends with the snail: those with shells keep their shells close togeth- er. The tortoise said it wants to box, but its hand is too short. The tortoise stores its wisdom in his shell. The torture of the grave is known only to the dead. The tougher the fight, the sweeter the triumph. The town is new every day. The town that parleys is half surrendered. The tracks of the elephant cancels those of the antelope. The trade of thick-headed Michael: eating, drinking, and idling. The traveler needs the hospitality of the villages. 603 The treason approved, the traitor abhorred. The treason is loved, the traitor hated. The treason pleases, but the traitors are odious. The tree branch should be cut off before it becomes a limb. The tree breaks that takes all the force of the wind. The tree casts its shade upon all, even upon the woodcutter. The tree casts its shadow on everything, even upon the woodcutter. The tree does not fall at the first stroke. The tree falls not at the first strake. The tree in the middle of the road is shaken by everyone. The tree is diseased by its own worms. The tree is felled . . . The tree is known by its fruit. The tree is not felled at one blow. The tree is not to be judged of by its bark. The tree is sure to be pruned before it reaches the skies. The tree makes shafts for axes. The tree must be bent while it is young. The tree of silence bears the fruits of peace. The tree remains, but not so the hand that put it. The tree that cannot shed its old leaves in the dry season, cannot survive the period of drought. The tree that is not taller than you cannot shade you. The tree that's cut down is half taken. The tree will not sway without a trace of wind. The trees do not grow up to the sky. The trees never meet but people do. The trees want to remain quiet, but the wind will not stop. The trees with most leaves will not necessarily produce juicy fruit. The Trojans were wise too late. The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.