Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 602

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The tavern is far, but I will walk carefully. The tears of a man drop onto his chest. The tears of a man flow into the stomach. The tears of an heir are laughter under a mask. The tears of strangers are only water. The tears of the adulteress are ever ready to be shed. The tears of the roasting meat kindle the fire even more. The tears running down your face do not blind you. The teeth and the tongue are close neighbors, and yet they sometimes bite each other. The teeth are not match for the nut. The teeth are smiling, but is the heart? The teeth of a dog do not lock together. The teeth of the puppy are growing, while the old dog is gnawing bones. The teeth often bite the tongue, still the two stay together. The teeth sometimes bite the tongue. The teeth that cannot move in unison cannot bit a piece of meat. The teeth that laugh are also those that bite. The teeth that stink together are the ones to bite the meat. The tender surgeon makes the wound gangrene. The test of merit is success. The testimony of one eyewitness is worth more than the hearsay of a hundred. The that creepeth falleth not. The thatcher said unto his man, Let's raise this ladder if we can. - But first let's drink, maister. The thief becomes the gallows well. The thief believes that everybody steals. The thief can lie, those he has stolen from cannot. The thief cannot find any tree that suits him for a gallows. The thief does fear each bush an officer. The thief has a chicken's heart -- he sleeps in fear. The thief hates the moon. 601 The thief is frightened even by a mouse. The thief is no danger to the beggar. The thief is sorry he is to be hanged, not that he is a thief. The thief makes perhaps one mistake; those he stole from made a hundred. The thief proceeds from a needle to gold, and from gold to the gallows. The thief that is not caught is a king. The thief thinks everybody steals. The thief thinks that all are like himself. The thief who can't steal anymore has become a Christian. The thief who has no opportunity to steal thinks he is an honest man. The thief who isn't caught is an honest salesman. The thief who steals another one is forgiven for 100 years. The thiefer-like the better sodger. The thief's wife does not always laugh. The thing of your friend, you revel; but yours, you hide. (Don’t’ talk about the evil of someone else and hide your own.) The thing that is fristed, is not forgiven. The thing that's done is no to do. The thing which the duck has failed, a chicken cannot swallow. (If an adult has failed to do something, a young person will not be able to do so.) The third person makes good company. The third time pays for all. The third time someone tries to put a saddle on you, you should admit you're a horse. The third's the charm. The thirsty fig sits waiting patiently, waiting for the arrival of the rains. The thirteenth man brings death. The thorn comes into the world point foremost. The thorn will come out from where it went in. The thoughtless person buries a well when he is thirsty.