Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Seite 601

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The sun shines on those who are standing before it shines on the people kneeling under them. The sun shines upon all alike. The sun that melts the wox is the same that hardens the mud. The sun that melts wax dries clay. The sun will bring to light what lay under the snow. The sun will set without thy assistance. The sun will shine into our yard too. The sun will shine on those who are standing before it shines on those who are sitting. The sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them. The sun-dial counts only the bright hours. The superior doctor prevents sickness. The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; The inferior doctor treats actual sickness. The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit's law, not man's law. The supreme treasure is knowledge, the middle treasure is children, and the lowest treasure is material wealth. The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man. The surface of the water is beautiful, but it is no good to sleep on. The swans will not sing till the jackdaws are quiet. The sweat of one's brow is what burns everyone. The sweet flying ants will never be birds. The sweetest grapes are picked from the vineyard of friendship. The sweetest grapes hang highest. The sweetest wine makes the sharpest vinegar. The sweetness of a kola nut doesn't lie in its sugar content. The sweetness of food doesn't last long, but the sweetness of good words do. The swift are overtaken by the slow. 600 The swindler readily cheats the covetous man. The sword and the ring according to the hand that bears them. The sword keeps the peace of the land. The sythe ran into a stone. The tables are turned. The tail can't shake the dog. The tail is always the hardest part to flay. The tail is always the most difficult part to skin. The tail is the hardest to scourge. The tail of an ox says, "Time goes, time comes." The tail of the cow watches to the right and left. The tail wags the dog. The tailor ill-dressed, the shoemaker ill- shod. The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. The Tailours wife is worst clad. The tale is marred in the telling. The talk of the day is the dream of the night. The talker talks and causes death in his family. The talker will lead the dog to the meat market. The talkers aren't strong; the strong don't talk. The talkers sows, the listener reaps. The tall one wouldn't bend; the short one wouldn't stretch and the kiss was lost. The taller the bamboo grows, the lower it bends. The taller the house, the heavier the storm. The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe. The tallest tree is rooted in the ground. The tar of my country is better than the honey of others. The taste of cold water after drinking, is a pleasure that the teetotaler will never know.