Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 592

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The reason some people are stingy is also the reason they are rich. The reasons of the poor weigh not. The rebellious dwell in a dry land. The receiver is as bad as the thief. The reception has more value than the invitation. The reins of fortune, the keys to luck, are in the hands of God and not under envy's arm or at an evil person's fingertips. The rejected stone will become the cornerstone of the wall. The remedy for dirt is soap and water. The remedy for dying is living. The remedy for injuries is not to remember them. The remedy for injuries is to forget them. The remedy for love is--land between. The remedy is often worse than the disease. The remedy of fire is fire. The remembrance of past pleasures adds to present sorrows. The remembrance of past sorrows is joyful. The remembrance of the heart is better than the remembrance of the head. The repeated stroke will fell the oak. The reputation of a man is like his shadow; it sometimes follows and sometimes precedes him, it is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural size. The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. The reserve are engaged. The reserve doesn't weight your pocket. The responsibility of power is like holding an egg. Grasp it too tightly and it will drip through your fingers; hold it too loosely and it will drop and break. The rest of the world does not know what newlyweds know. The restless grasshopper only finds rest in the gizzard of a bird. The revenge of an idiot is without mercy. The revenge that is postponed is not forgotten. The reverse side also has a reverse side. The reward of a thing rightly done is to have 591 done it. The reward of silence is certain. The Rhinoceros never dances with the monkey. The rich are always complaining. The rich become deaf and the mighty blind. The rich devour the poor, and the devil devours the rich and so both are devoured. The rich do as they want, the poor do as they can. The rich does not understand the poor. The rich eat when they want, the poor when they can. The rich eat. The poor smoke. The rich get richer, and the poor get babies. The rich have many friends. The rich have medicines the poor have health. The rich have no heart, the lake never floats a pin. The rich have no pain. The rich is never satisfied. The rich knows not who is his friend. The rich man breaks through the mesh and escapes, the afflicted man remains in the net and is caught. The rich man cannot be prevented from cyltivating the 'iganjo' he wants. The rich man carries God in his pocket, the poor man in his heart. The rich man doesn't pay, the debtor does. The rich man gets his ice in the summer and the poor man gets his in the winter. The rich man has little need. The rich man has more relations than he knows about. The rich man makes mistakes and the poor men get the blame. The rich man may dine when he will, the poor man when he may. The rich man may wear old clothes. The rich man never dances badly. The rich man plans for tomorrow, the poor man for today.