Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 590

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The price of liberty is eternal vigilance The prickly branches of the palm tree do not show preference even to friends. The prickly pear has company only when it bears fruit. The pride of the poor does not endure. The pride of women and the pride of priests. The priest covers the chalice and we must cover each other. The priest does not eat pilav every day. The priest errs at the altar. The priest loves his flock, but the lambs more than the wethers. The priest to his book, the peasant to his plough. The priest's friend loses his faith, the doctor's his health, and the lawyer's his fortune. The prince is never guilty in his father's court. The prior said to the abbess: without money no Mass will be sung. The problem that has no name--which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities--is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our. The problem with the palace attendant isn't how to steal the king's drums but where to play them from. The process of eating is not taught to a child. The prolonged visit of no guest is pleasant. The promises of love and the smoke of a chimney, washed by water and blown away by the wind. The proof of the pudding is eating it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The property of a helpless man must nit be divided before his death. The proportion of things thrill the eye. The prosperity of a country is in accordance with its treatment of the aged. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. The proverb cannot be bettered. The provision for tomorrow belongs to tomorrow. 589 The provoking pertinacity of a fly. The prudent embark when the sea is calm -- the rash when it's stormy. The pubic hair of a woman mounting is stronger than two pairs of ox descending. The public improves the speaker's speech. The public is an animal with many heads. The public pays with ingratitude. The puff adder that cannot fly has caught the hornbill that flies. The pumpkin gives birth and the fence has the trouble. The pumpkin vine never bears watermelons. The punishment of a liar is that he is never believed, even when he speaks the truth. The pure, upon seeing it pure, call it pure. The purest people are the ones with good manners. The purpose consecrates the means. The purpose sanctifies the means. The purse of loved ones is tied with a gossamer thread. The pursued runs on four feet, the pursuer on two. The quail waits for the stick; the idle loiterer about a place waits for a kick from an old boot. The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. The quarrel of the sheep doesn't concern the goats. The quarrel that doesn't concern you is pleasant to hear about. The queen ant feeds on its own ants. The queen bee has no sting. The quick one may not win; the enduring one will. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. The quiet pigs eat all the draff. The quince is for fiancees who are fighting and the azarole for good people.