Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 585

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The owl does not praise the light, nor the wolf the dog. The owl has one note, the crow another. The owl is mourning, rain is coming. The owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees, the less it talks. The owl of ignorance lays the egg of pride. The owl sings to the nightingale. The owl tells the sparrow that her head is big. The owl thinks her children the fairest. The owner of the dog does not obey his dog. The owner of the house knows where his roof leaks. The owner of the skin is the one to tan it. The owner’s eye fattens the horse. The ox comes to the yoke at the call of his feeder. The ox in a strange stall often casts a longing look towards the door. The ox saying 'horned' to the donkey. The ox spoke and said "Moo." The ox that butted me tossed me into a good place. The ox that claws the 'kiara' will die. The ox that feeds itself does not spoil its skin. The ox that ran away cannot be caught. The ox that tossed me threw me into a good place. The ox when most weary is most surefooted. The ox which eats hay, works the entire day. The ox which has grown old has no admirer. The ox which has no horns, relies for help on the one that has them. The ox which has no horns, relies for help on the one that has them. The ox will die but its harness remains. The ox without a bell is soon lost. The pain is sometimes preferable to the treatment. The pain of the little finger is felt by the whole body. The pains o'ergangs the profit. The palace leads to fame, the market to fortune, and loneliness to wisdom. The palest ink is better than the best 584 memory. The palest ink lasts longer than the most retentive memory. The palm of ones hand does not eclipse the sun. The palm-wine we drink, some people can drink it and remain wise; others lose all their senses. The pan says to the pot: Keep off, or you'll smutch me. The panther and the sheep never hunt together. The pardon arrives after the man was hung. The pardon may be more severe than the penalty. The parrot utters one cry, the quail another. The parson christens his own child first. The partridge loves peas, but not those that go into the pot with it. The passing hour is sometimes a mother, sometimes a stepmother. The passions are like fire and water: good servants but bad masters. The past is for God, the future for the Tsars. The past is the future of the present. The past remembered is a good guide for the future. The path is made by walking. The path leads towards loved ones not thorns. The path of a liar is short. The path of duty lies in what is near at hand, but men seek for it in what is remote. The path of obligation lies down the marriage aisle. The path to your heart’s desire is never overgrown. The patience of the hunter is always greater than that of the prey. The patient eat ripe. The patient one always wins. The patient thief is as a tree whose root runs deep as he waits for the sweet fruit.. The patient who names a doctor his heir makes a big mistake.