Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 566

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The hyena does not forget where it has hidden its kill. The hyena of your own country does not break your bones. The hyena sleeps with the sheep. The hyena with a cub does not consume all the available food. The hypocrite is known by his actions, not by his clothes. The Iabour of childbirth is known to the mother. The idea came after the drunkness passed away. The ideal is a four year old dog, an eight year old horse, an eighteen year old woman and a twenty eight year old man. The ideal phrase is that which is short and to the point. The idiot who has his eye on your wife is like a blood sucking fly. The idle remarks of the rich are taken as maxims of wisdom by the poor. The ignorant is his own enemy. The ill year comes in swimming. The ill-mannered child finds a father wherever he goes. The immature rice stalk stands erect, while the mature stalk, heavy with grain, bends over. The impatient person eats goat; the one who hesitates eats beef. The important things are left in the locker. The impotent man does not eat spicy foods. The inarticulate speak longest. The income is like jasmine. The inequity of life. The inferior doctor treats actual sickness. The infinite is in the finite of every instant. The injured animal is covered with flies. The injurer never forgets. The ink of a scholar is worth as much as the martyr's blood. The ink of the scholar is more precious than the blood of martyrs. The innkeeper loves a drunkard, but not for a son-in-law. The innkeeper trusts his guests like he is 565 himself. The insane are told they're right. The insect that eats the leaf is under the leaf. The insolence of shortness is to stretch itself big. The intelligence of the average individual reaches its lowest ebb when he enters a railroad station. The intemperate die young, and rarely en joy old age. The interested friend is a swallow on the roof. The intimacy of water and fish. The Irish forgive their great men when they are safely buried. The Irish ignore anything they can't drink or punch. The iron never takes advice from the hammer. The is unnecessary to make a fuss of any sort of thrash. The is worthy of sweets, who has tasted bitters. The issue of all contention is uncertain. The Italian invents it; the Frenchman makes it; the Germans sell it; the Pole buys it and the Tartar plunders it. The Italianised Englishman is a devil incarnate. The Italians are wise before the act, the Germans in the act, the French after the act. The italians are wise before the deed; the germans in the deed; the french after the deed. The Italians cry, the Germans bawl, and the French sing. The itch that gives someone skill is difficult to scratch. The jackass that is late returns loaded. The jail is closed day and night and always full; temples are always open and still empty. The January moon brightens like a clear day. The jar broke and the wine spilled.