Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 551

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The family is like the forest. If you are outside, it is dense; if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position. The family of a Klingon warrior is responsible for his actions, and he is responsible for theirs. The family that prays together stays together. The fangs of the green snake and the sting of a wasp don't really make poison -- that is only to be found in a woman's heart. The farmer feeds them all. The farmer grows the corn, but the bear eats it. The farmer hopes for rain, the walker hopes for sunshine, and the gods hesitate. The farmer is a born philosopher, the aristocrat has to learn how. The farmer is one but those who eat fruits of his labour are many. The farmer should be mightier than his land. The farther from Rome the nearer to God. The farthest way about is the nearest way home. The fast faggot is not easily broken. The fast talker makes mistakes. The fat buffalo will attract the lean buffalo. The fat is in the fire. The fat man digs his grave with his teeth. The fat sow knows not what the hungry sow suffers. The fate of the Gypsy's horse. The fated thing will happen. The fated will happen. The fates lead the willing man; an unwilling man they drag. The Fates will not permit it. The father a saint the son a devil. The father a saint, the son a sinner. The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son begs. The father gave his son a vineyard, the son didn't give the father even a grape. The father in praising his son extols himself. The father may well be a horse, but it's most likely that the son will be a mule. 550 The father of a saint, the son of a sinner. The fathers ate the cranberries and the children are left with the aftertaste. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge. The fatter the flea, the leaner the dog. The fault is as great as he that commits it. The fault is great in proportion to him who commits it. The fault of another is a good teacher. The fault was committed in the bush, but it is now talked about on the highway. The faults of others are the best teachers. The faults of others make no law. The faulty stands on his guard. The favor of a man in power is like a summer shower. The favorite place of God is in the heart of man. The favour of the great is not lasting. The fear keeps your house poor. The fear of death is worse than death itself. The fear of death takes away the joy of living. The fear of God is not wearing a white turban. The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. The fear of war is worse than war itself. The fear of women is the basis of good health. The fearful crow died of old age. (Fearing good dangerous things can save one’s life.) The feast passes and the fool remains. The feathers bear away the flesh. The fed baby plays on its mother's bed. The fed hound never hunts.