Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 539

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The church is near, but the way is icy. The tavern is far, but I will walk carefully. The church is nearby, God is far away. The Church never gives anything away. The church, the sea, or the royal household, for whoever would thrive. The churl knows not the worth of spurs. The cimex lives in the firewood and still it reaches its full growth. The citizen is at his business before the sun rises. The city that negotiates is half conquered. The city, whose physician has the gout, is in a bad state. The clash of ideas brings forth the spark of truth. The clever bird is easily trapped in the leaves at the edges. The clever wife makes her husband an apron. The clock ticks nowhere else the way it does at home. The clog and amida are both from the same piece of wood. The closed mouth doesn't catch any flies. The closer a relation, the more it hits home. The cloth of shame does not warm and if it does, it does so only briefly. The clothes hide the blemish. The clown is best in his own country, and the gentleman anywhere. The coalheaver is master at home. The coat is quite new, only the holes are old. The coat makes the man. The coat of truth is often lined with lies. The cobbler always wears the worst shoes. The cobbler should not go beyond his last. The cobbler to his last and the gunner to his linstock. The cobbler's gaze is on the feet. The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Mr. Cobra. The cock belongs to one household, but when it crows it is heard in the whole village. The cock goes to town for only four days and returns home a peacock. 538 The cock is a lord on his own dunghill. The cock is bold on his own dunghill. The cock is king on his own dunghill. The cock often crows without a victory. The cock shuts his eyes when he crows, because he knows it by heart. The cock that crows at the wrong time is killed. The cock that loses its pace time of cockadoodle should be dressed otherwise it will misguide you. The cock won’t do it, unless the hen asks for it. The cockroach cannot be innocent in a court where the hen is judge. The cockroach inside the oakum, the more it tries to free itself, the more it's caught. The cocks that cockadoodle were once eggs. The coffin seller wants a long life for himself and a short life for others. The cold strengthens you more than hunger. The coldness of a friend and the coldness of linen -- they never lasted long. The comforter's head never aches. The coming of a thorn is with pus. (Everything has got its disadvantages.) The coming of Nkele. The common horse has scars on his back. The common property donkey is the worst saddled. The common soldier's blood makes the general great. The communal donkey gets the heaviest burden. The community is israel's rampart. The community of living is the carriage of the Lord. The company makes the feast. The company of the wicked is like living in a fish market; one becomes used to the foul odor. The complete fool is half prophet. The concealer is as bad as the thief. The congregation is poor, the priest rings the bell himself.