Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 535

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The branch is seldom better than the stem. The branch must be bent early that is to make a good crook. The branch that bears the most fruit bends itself thankfully towards the ground. The brave eat the soup, the timid die of hunger. The brave have all the luck. The brave is known by his fame. The brave man is not he who doesn't feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. The brave man lives until the coward wants. The brave man may die, but he will never say "die." The brave one lives as long as the cowards lets him. The brave person regards dying as just going home. The bravery of a lion doesn't protect it from the spear of a hunter. The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. The braying of donkeys doesn't reach heaven. The bread always falls buttered side down The bread eaten, the company departs. The bread never falls but on its buttered side. The breaking of a betrothal is no small matter. The breath of others always stinks. The brewery is the best drugstore. The bride is too beautiful. The bride who brings a golden throne will sit on it herself. The bride who wears four petticoats has a lot to hide. The bride's faults are hidden by the dowry. The bridge between joy and sorrow is not long. Confidence begets confidence. The bridge is repaired only after someone falls in the water. The brightness of the day can never determine if a blind man can direct his meal into his mouth. The broad-minded see the truth in different religions; the narrow-minded see only the differences. 534 The broth is cooking, and now we have to act as one. The brotherhood of coconuts is a meeting in the cook-in pot. The bubbling flames are not fire. The bucket goes down the well every day -- some day it won't come up again. The bucket goes so often to the well that it leaves its handle there. The buckets take to fighting with the well, and get their heads broken. The bud becomes a rose and the rose a hip. The buffalo does not wander from the marsh where it was born. The buffalo that arrive late will have to drink muddy water and eat dried grass. The buffalo that arrives late will have to drink muddy water and eat dry grass. The buffalo's shit is dry on top when inside its wet. The bull should be taken by the horns, a man at his word. The bull that is used to the sun shivers by the light of the moon. The bullet that doesn't hit anything still makes a noise. The burden one likes is cheerfully carried. The burden tames the beast. The buried do not give birth. The burnt child shuns the fire. The bush fowl saw the chicken being carved up and laughed. The chicken told the bush fowl to stop laughing. For the same hands now carving up the chicken would be used to carve up the bush fowl. The bushes grow in order to cover defects. The busiest men have the most leisure. The bust of Mercury cannot be carved in every wood. The busy fly is in every man's dish. The busy man has few idle visitors: to the boiling pot the flies come not.