Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 524

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Tender surgeons make foul wounds. Tenderness can be a bad judge. Termites are far from the moon. Terrifying are the weaknesses of power. Test the danger by the Carians. Thank 'ee for nothing. Thank who gives you and give who thanks you. Thank you, pretty pussy, was the death of my cat. Thanks cost nothing. Thanks is poor pay on which to keep a family. Thanks to one small candle the whole of Moscow burns. That beer's of your own brewing, and you must drink it. That bench is well adorned that is filled with virtuous women. That brings water to the mill. That costs dear which is bought with begging. That country will I call mine which supports me, not that which gave me birth. That crown is well spent which saves you ten. That day is lost on which one has not laughed. That dog yelps, which stick hits. That fair face will as years roll on lose its beauty, and old age will bring its wrinkles to the brow. That fear may reach all, punish but few. That fellow roasts his fish in the flames of a fire. That fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait. That for which you have not been sent, is not to be told. (Don’t reveal the secrets of other people because doing so may bring you trouble.) That grief is light which is capable of counsel. That happens in a moment which may not happen in a hundred years. That is beggar's fare, said the dame, when she fried eggs with the sausages. 523 That is done soon enough which is well done. That is fashionable in town is never prohibited. That is good wisdom which is wisdom in the end. That is not in the looking-glass which is seen in the looking-glass. That is pleasant to remember which was hard to endure. That is poor help that helps you from the feather-bed to the straw. That is the lion's tail, do not play with it. That is true which all men say. That is with difficulty preserved which all hanker after. That land fares ill where the king's but a babe. That may be soon done, which brings long repentance. That miller is honest who has hair on his teeth. That mouse will have a tail. That of circumcision is a hard appointment. That often happens in a day which does not happen in a hundred years. That our hands show signs of our work, is nothing to be ashamed of. That person is welcome who brings presents. That priest is a fool who decries his relics. That sick man is not to be pitied who has his cure in his sleeve. That suit is best that best fits me. That that comes of a cat will catch mice. That usury is a sin some hold, but take for granted they've no gold. That was on the hair. That we may all our foes destroy. That what comes to stay has come it cannot return. That which a baboon has failed to climb, a monkey cannot climb. (If an adult has failed to do something, a young person will not be able to do so.)