Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 523

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Tell me what you want to buy and I will tell you what you are. Tell me where it itches if you want me to scratch you. Tell me who you live with, and I will tell you who you are. Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. Tell me whom you frequent, and I will tell you who you are. Tell me whom you love, and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me who's your friend and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me with whom thou goest, and I'll tell thee what thou doest. Tell me with whom you go and i'll tell you what you are. Tell me with whom you travel, and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me your friends and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I'll understand. Tell nae tales out of the school. Tell no one what you would have known only to yourself. Tell no tales out of school. Tell not all you know, all you have, or all you can do. Tell not all you know, nor judge of all you see, if you would live in peace. Tell not all you know; believe not all you hear; do not all you are able. Tell not ever an evil man if misfortunes thee befall. Tell not thy mind to thy foolish friend, nor to thy wise enemy. Tell nothing to thy friend which why enemy may not know. Tell the blind he is eyeless, and he will get mad at you. Tell the truth and run. Tell the truth and shame the Devil. Tell the truth and then run. Tell the truth and your head will be broken. 522 Tell the truth, and people will bash in your head. Tell the truth, but leave immediately afterward. Tell your affairs in the market-place, and one will call them black and another white. Tell your friend a lie -- and if he keeps it a secret, tell him the truth. Tell your friend a lie; and if he keeps it secret, tell him the truth. Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your neck. Tell your friends a lie; if he keeps it secret tell him the truth. Tell your own story first. Tell your secret to your friend and he will set his foot on your neck. Temper your enthusiasm with judgement. Temperance is the best medicine. Temperance is the best physic. Tempest in a teapot. Temptation wrings integrity even as the thumbscrew twists a man's fingers. Ten enemies cannot do a man the harm that he does to himself. Ten helpless people were surpassed by a single strong person. Ten measures of beauty descended on the world; nine went to jerusalem, and one to the rest of the world. Ten men, ten minds. Ten men, ten tastes. Ten noes are better then one lie. Ten ounces to all, eleven ounces to some, and a full twelve to no one. Ten thousand of the greatest faults in our neighbours is of less consequence than the smallest of our own. Ten tongues that spread the word are worth less than two eyes that have seen, and two eyes that have seen are worth less than one hand that feels. Ten who shout obtain more than ten who remains silent. Ten years of oblivion in school may bring you fame overnight.