Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 521

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Taking water from the same well doesn't make all the wives' gravy taste good. Tald ob de debil an you heeh he wings. Talent and poverty, wealth and stupidity generally dwell together. Talent without skill is like a desert without an oasis. Talk about things of tomorrow and the mice inside the ceiling laugh. Talk as you go, husband, to the gallows. Talk does mek talk. Talk doesn't cook rice. Talk doesn't fill the stomach. Talk doesn't plow the field. Talk is cheap Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey. Talk is cheap. Talk little and well, and you will be looked upon as somebody. Talk much, and err much. Talk of a wolf and the wolf appears. Talk of sporting, and buy game in the market. Talk of the devil - and the devil appears. Talk of the devil and he’ll appear. Talk of the devil and you hear his bones rattle. Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear. Talk of the devil, and his imp appears. Talk of the devil, and you'll hear the rustle of his wings. Talk of the wolf and behold his skin. Talk of the wolf and his tail appears. Talk of the wolf and you see his tail. Talk of the wolf, and his tail appears. Talk the hind legs off a donkey. Talk to a person who can understand and cook for a person who can be satisfied. (give advice to those one who appreciate it) Talk to a priest and die a thousand deaths. Talk too much and you talk about yourself. Talk well of your friends and of your enemies say nothing. Talkin' about fire doesn't boil the pot. Talking a mile a minute. 520 Talking about bulls is altogether different from being in the arena. Talking about bulls is not the same as facing them in the ring. Talking about bulls is not the same thing as being in the bullring. Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom. Talking doesn't get your rice cooked. Talking is cheap until you hire a lawyer to do it for you. Talking is easier than doing, and promising than performing. Talking is easy, action difficult. Talking is easy, action is difficult. Talking is not like doing. Talking is silver, silence is gold. Talking is silver, silence is golden. Talking of an old debt always starts another quarrel. Talking of bulls is not the same as being in the bullring. Talking something over is better than leaving it pending. Talking with one another is loving one another. Talking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim. Talking without thinking is shooting without aiming. Talks that are considered to be important must be made to drag on for so long as to make even the deaf begin to hear it. Tall branches are apt to be broken. Tall men had ever very empty heads. Tall trees catch much wind. Tap even a stone bridge before crossing. Tapping persistently breaks the stone. Tarrowing bairns were never fat. Taste in variety, variety in taste. Tastes and slaps are different. Tastes are not argued. Tastes differ. Tasty fish have to swim three times: once in the water, then in butter, and finally in wine.