Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 520

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Take heed of enemies reconciled, and of meat twice boiled. Take heed you do not find what you do not seek. Take help of many, advice of few. Take her by herself and take her with nothing. Take him up there with his five Egges, and four of them rotten. Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. Take hold of a good minute. Take in laundry before you take in partners. Take it a' and pay the merchant. Take it like the Bard's Point. Take me not up before I fa'. Take no more on you than you're able to bear. Take no notice of the stupid things people say. Take not the antidote before the poison. Take not your sickle to another man's corn. Take nothing in hand that may bring repentance. Take off your hat quickly but slowly take hold of your purse. Take off your hat to your yesterdays; take off your coat for your tomorrows. Take one step to hell and you are already half way there. Take one, not that you may return with ten. Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it. Take opportunity by the forelock. Take part of the pelf when the pack is a dealing. Take the bit and the buffet with it. Take the bite and buffet we't. Take the bitter with the sweet. Take the bull by the horns and the man at his word. Take the bull by the horns. Take the chestnuts out of the fire with the cat's paw. Take the custom where you come. Take the drowning child from the water be- fore scolding it. 519 Take the goods the gods provide. Take the middle of the way and thou wilt not fall. Take the monkey's hand out of the soup be- fore it starts looking like a human hand. Take the will for the deed. Take the world as it is, not as it ought to be. Take things as they come. Take thy thoughts to bed with thee, for the morning is wiser than the evening. Take time to smell the roses. Take time when time is, for time will away. Take time: much may be gained by patience. Take together, it will not be heavy. Take two and hit to right. Take what is yours, not that of others. Take what you need and leave our land the way you found it. Take what you want, God said to man, and pay for it. Take what you want, then pay for it. Take wisdom from the wise - not everyone who rides a horse is a jockey. Take with you an onion to the funeral. Take your ain will, & then ye'll no die of the pet. Take your child with you where you go and be not ashamed. Take your thanks to feed your cat. Take your venture as many a good ship has done. Take your will o't as the cat did o' the haggis. Taking a bite of the bread restores your appetite. Taking advantage of a murky/confusing situation. Taking aim for too long can ruin your eyes. Taking out without putting in, soon comes to the bottom. Taking the first step with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, I enter paradise.