Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 52

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A mother can more easily feed seven children than seven children can feed one mother. A mother cannot give birth to something bigger than herself. A mother has little love for a son who did not give her pain. A mother is a school, preparing her is like preparing a good nation. A mother is always a mother. A mother is gold, a father is a mirror. A mother is like a kernel, crushed by prob- lems but strong enough to overcome them. A mother never thinks her baby is ugly. A mother of twins should have impartial breasts. A mother understands what a child does not say. A mother who is a thief doesn’t trust her child. A mother will understand what her dumb son says. A mother won’t give milk to her child until he cries. A mother’s behind sins when it sits down. A mother’s heart is a child’s schoolroom. A mother’s heart is always with her children. A mother’s love is neverending. A mother’s love never ages. A mother’s tenderness for her children is as discreet as the dew that kisses the earth. A mother’s wrath does not survive the night. A mother-in-law made of sugar, still tastes bitter. A mother-in-law may be good, but she is better when mother earth covers her up. A mother-in-law who farts during the supper foretells a good harvest. A mountain doesn’t reach out to mountain, a man is reaching out to a man. A mountain of knives and a sea of fire. A mouse does not share a bowl with a cat. A mouse in pitch. A mouse in time may bite in two a cable. A mouse may help a lion. A mouse relies not solely on one hole. A mouse that removes the palm-nut that turns out to be the bait of a trap, would already have known that the palm-nut does not ripen on the ground. A mouse will put the finishing stroke to a castle wall. A mouse will scare a thief. A mouse’s vision is an inch long. A mouse-catching dog steps on the cats’ paws. A mouth invites disaster. A mouth is a thick bush. (a person may lie) A mouth is an empty tin. A mouth is worn out canoe. (a person can say something he didn’t intend to say) A mouth that praises and a hand that kills. A much prayed for defunct goes straight to hell. A much-used plow shines; stagnant waters stink. A mud hut cannot withstand great shocks. A muffled cat is no good mouser. A muffled cat never caught a mouse. A muffled cat was ne’er a good hunter. A mule and a woman do what is expected of them. A mule can go to mecca, but it will not come back as a pilgrim. A mule can swim seven different strokes but the moment he sees the water he for- gets them all. A mule driver is not aware of the stink of his animals. A mule laden with gold is welcome at every castle. A mule that grazes with horses thinks it is also a horse. A mule that thinks he is a stag discovers his mistake when he comes to leap over the ditch. A mule who goes in search of a fine set of antlers, will come back with his ears cut off. A mute bird makes no omen. 51