Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 519

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy. Tak your thanks to feed your cat. Take a big bite, but don't say a big word. Take a breath of the new dawn and make it a part of you. Take a close look at today, because yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is barely a vision. Take a close look then at today. Take a dog for a companion and a stick in your hand. Take a friend for what he does, a wife for what she has, and goods for what they are worth. Take a hair of the dog that bit you. Take a hair of the dog that has bitten you. Take a horse by his bridle and a man by his word. Take a horse to the knacker, and throw in bridle and saddle. Take a man at his word, an ox by the horns. Take a man by his word and a cow by her horn. Take a man by his word, take a bull by its horn. Take a pint and 'gree, the law's costly. Take a second look. It costs you nothing. Take a second look; it costs you nothing. Take a woman's first advice and not her second. Take a young woman for the pleasure of possessing her until she is old. Take advice from the prudent and you'll never regret it. Take advice of a red-bearded man, and be gone. Take all you want, but eat all you take. Take all you want; eat all you take. Take an oath only for the hand youslept on. Take an ox by his horn, a man by his word. Take an ox by its horns, a man by his heart. Take away fuel, take away flame. Take away my good name, take away my life. Take away the motive, and the sin is taken away. Take care how you beseech the gods for a gift, for they will give it to you. Take care of clothes since they are new, take care of your honor since you are young. Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves. Take care of the manger and water the animals at the drinking trough. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. Take care of your dress from when it's new and your honor from your youth. Take care of your geese when the fox preaches. Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of themselves. Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of your widow's next husband. Take care of your pennies and your pounds will take care of your heirs and barristers. Take care of your plough, and your plough will take care of you. Take care when you speak in judgment. Words are powerful weapons. Take care you don't let your tail be caught in the door. Take counsel before it goes ill, lest it go worse. Take counsel of your pillow. Take down a rogue from the gallows and he will hang you up. Take each day as it comes. Take from the hungry, give it to the full/ satisfied. Take gifts with a sigh because most men give in order to be paid. Take gifts with a sigh most men give to be paid. Take heed is a fair thing. Take heed is a good reed. Take heed of an enemy reconciled. Take heed of an ox before. an ass behind, and a monk on all sides. 518