Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 512

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, all must be tasted. Sow corn in clay, and plant vines in sand. Sow dry and set wet. Sow early and mow early. Sow fava bean and flax with confidence while you still have a full silo. Sow good and you'll reap good; sow bad and you'll reap bad. You don't have to cut down a tree to get its fruit. Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little. Sow not money on the sea, lest it sink. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Sow thin and mow thin. Sow with the Sirocco but not with the North wind. Spanish is the language of lovers, Italian is for the singer, French for diplomats, and German for horses. Spare at the brim, not at the bottom. Spare at the spigot, and let it out at the bung -hole. Spare at the spigot, and let out the bunghole. Spare the ox in August so that it's ready to work in October. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Spare to speak and spare to speed. Spare us what we can learn to endure. Spare well and have to spend. Spare well and have well. Spare when ye're young, and spend when ye're auld. Sparing is the first gaining. Sparrows cannot be caught by beating a drum. Sparrows should not dance with cranes, their legs are too short. Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to break a thigh. Sparrows who mimic peacocks are likely to break a thigh. Sparrows, though they live to be a hundred, do not forget their dance. Speak and the man shall be shown. Speak as you find 511 Speak fair, and think what you will. Speak fair, think what you will. Speak fitly, or be silent wisely. Speak good of pipers your father was a fiddler. Speak highly of the lake, but stay on the bank. Speak kind words and you will hear kind answers. Speak like a parrot; meditate like a swan; chew like a goat; and bathe like an elephant. Speak like a parrot; meditate like a swan; chew like a goat; and bathe like an elephant. Speak little and to the purpose. Speak little and well if you wish to be esteemed a person of merit. Speak little and well, they will think you somebody. Speak little but speak the truth. Speak little in the company of the old. Speak little of your ill luck, and boast not of your good luck. Speak little, speak truth. Spend little, pay cash. Speak not against the dead. Speak not ill of the year until it is past. Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them. Speak not of what you have read, but about what you have understood. Speak of the devil and he appears. Speak of the dog, but take the stick into your hand. Speak plain -- call bread bread, and wine wine. Speak praises or nothing of the dead. Speak softly and carry a big stick Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. Speak the truth and shame the devil. Speak the truth, but keep one hand on the sword. Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.