Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 505

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Silence is music to a wise man. Silence is often the best answer. Silence is sometimes the answer. Silence is the answer to many things. Silence is the best answer to the stupid. Silence is the best answer to the stupid. The fool has his answer on the tip of his tongue. Silence is the door of consent. Silence is the door of consent. Silence is the fence around wisdom. Silence is the greatest ornament in a woman. Silence is the interpreter of happiness. Silence is the sign of approval. Silence is the soul of all things. Silence is the soul of negotiation. Silence is the voice of complicity. Silence is wisdom and gets a man friends. Silence makes irritation grow. Silence means consent. Silence surpasses speech. Silence was never written down. Silence, means consent. Silent men like still waters, are deep and dangerous. Silent tongue and hempen heart often go together. Silent water is dangerous water. Silent worms dig holes in the walls. Silk and velvet put out the kitchen fire. Silk is cut best with old scissors. Silks and satins put out the kitchen fire. Silks and satins, scarlet and velvet, put out the kitchen fire. Silly bairns are eith to lear. Silly sheep, where one goes, all go. Silly toad: planning a meal of goose. Silver and gold are all men's dears. Similar to a bee: in their mouths they carry sweet honey, and in their tails poison. Simplicity is the seal of truth. Sin concealed needs two forgivings. Sin is carried in the mouth. Sin is not perfect until one prides oneself on it. Sin is the root of much sorrow. Sin when you are drunk, pay the fine when 504 you are sober. Since excuses were invented, no one is ever in the wrong. Since god could not be everywhere, he created mothers. Since I wronged you, I have never liked you. Since love departs at dawn, create, O God, a night that has no morn. Since the beggar would come any way, it's best to invite him first. Since the house is on fire I will warm myself at the blaze. Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. Since the wine is drawn it must be drunk. Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get. Since we have loaves let us not look for cakes. Since you have scolding me, I have counted a hundred and twenty holes in that nutmeg grater. Sincerity gives wings to power. Sinews and big muscles do not make a farmer. Sing before breakfast, cry before night. Sing not of triumph before the victory. Sing the song of the man whose cart you sit on. Sing your death song and die like a hero go- ing home. Singed cats live long. Singers, lovers, and poets are privileged liars. Singing birds don't build nests. Single in a field is not a warrior. Single man in a field is not a warrior. Sink or swim. Sinning is the best part of repentance. Sins and debts are aye mair than we think them. Sins hide not in your sleep but in your dreams. Sins of omission are seldom fun.