Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 504

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Show me your wife and I will tell you what kind of a husband she has. Show no fear to the man who picks up a big stone. Show the fatted calf but not the thing that fattened him. Showing off other people's feathers. Showy clothes attract most. Shrimp that sleeps is carried by the tide. Shro the ghuest the house is the war of. Shrouds are made without pockets. Shrouds have no pockets. Shut your door, and you will make your neighbour a good woman. Shut your door, and you will make your neighbour good. Shut your mouth and you'll catch no flies. Shyness is the prison of the heart. Siberia will teach. Sic as ye gie sic will ye get. Sic reek as is therein comes out of the lum top. Sic things maun be if we sell ale. Sick people are like kings. Sick people have no friends. Sickly body, sickly mind. Sickly women live longer. Sickness accompanies a waning moon; a new moon cures disease. Sickness comes in haste, and goes at leisure. Sickness comes in like a horse and leaves like a snail. Sickness comes on horseback, but goes away on foot. Sickness comes uninvited--no need to bespeak it. Sickness is a thing of the spirit. Sickness is a visit by God. Sickness is awful, but a relapse is worse. Sickness is every man's master. Sickness is felt, but health not at all. Sickness shows us what we are. Sickness soaks the purse. Sickness tells us what we are. Sickness, if it doesn't kill, it purifies. Side-stepping an issue. Sighs never fall on the ground. 503 Sight before hearsay. Sight goes before hearsay. Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company. Sike answer as a man gives, sike will he get. Sike father, sike son. Sike lippes, sike Latace. Sike man, sike master. Sike Priest, sike Offering. Silence and look out, we shall catch both hen and chicks. Silence and reflection cause no dejection. Silence answers much. Silence betokens consent. Silence brings wisdom of the ancestors. Silence cannot be misquoted. Silence condemns more effectively than loud accusations. Silence does seldom harm. Silence gives consent. Silence gives rise to peace and with peace comes security. Silence grips the mouse. Silence has a mighty noise. Silence has so much meaning. Silence heals all ills. Silence implies consent. Silence is a brother of delight. Silence is a cure for grief. Silence is a fence around wisdom. Silence is a fine jewel for a woman, but it is little worn. Silence is a woman's best garment. Silence is a wonderful jewel for a woman but she seldom wears it. Silence is also a form of speech. Silence is also speech. Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks. Silence is gold, talking is silver. Silence is golden Silence is golden, speech is silver. Silence is golden. Silence is more than just a lack of words.