Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 503

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs She who doesn't say it to you isn't your friend. She who gives birth to triplets cannot ask for a third breast. She who grinds millet should have wisdom about rainy clouds and winds. She who ignores advice does not resist when being prepared for burial. She who is a beauty is half married. She who is born a beauty is born betrothed. She who is pregnant, is pregnant-even though she wrap herself in an 'mkaja'. She who keeps losing children doesn't invent names anymore. She who laughs not in the morning, laughs not at noon. She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome. She who wants to marry her stepfather regrets it in bed. She wipes the plate with the cat's tail. She would be a nice girl if she didn't have her head. She would drink the cream and say the cat she had was an old rogue. She’s the cat’s mother. Shear the sheep but don't flay them. Shed no tears until seeing the coffin. Sheep-killing dogs are vicious. Sheepskin coat to sheepskin coat, cloth coat to cloth coat. She'll keep her ain side o the hoose, an gang up an doun yours. She's a foul bird that syles her own nest. She's better than she's bonny. She's for knitting and sewing and scraping potatoes, and you should be glad to catch the like. Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law. Shining I Inside, let Him guide my heart. Shirk work and you will want bread. Shit floats to the top. Shit rolls downhill. Shit will smell, no matter how small. Shod in the cradle, bair-foot in the Stubble. Shoe is on the other foot 502 Shoemaker stick to your last. Shoemakers are always the worst shod. Shoemakers go to mass and pray that sheep may die. Shoot a daw and a crow, and soon you'll hit a falcon. Shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow. Shoot at someone's shadow with sand. Shoot the bear before you skin it. Shooting space garbage is no test of a warriors mettle. Short acquaintance brings repentance. Short cuts are long ways round. Short flax makes long thread. Short folk are soon angry. Short hair is soon brushed. Short hose must have long points. Short is the road that leads from fear to hatred. Short judgments make long friends. Short lived pleasure is the parent of pain. Short love, long sighs. Short pleasure often brings long repentance. Short pleasure, long pain. Short prayers reach heaven. Short reckonings make long friends. Short rents mak careless tenants. Should the heavens fall, many pipkins will be broken. Shoulders cannot go above the head. Shout before the water reaches your neck. (Take action before things become worse) Show a dog a finger, and he wants the whole hand. Show her the rudder, but don't steer her boat. Show me a liar and I’ll show you a thief. Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. Show me a liar, and I'll show you a thief. Show me a poor man, I will show you a flatterer. Show me your friend and I will show you your character.