Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 495

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Right or wrong, 'tis our house up to the roof. Right overstrained turns to wrong. Right wrangs nae man. Righteousness is half of religion. Rima came back to her old habits. Ring the bells for whoever eats snails and drinks water, because he's dead. Ripe fruit falls by itself, but it does not fall into your mouth. Ripe fruit is suinest rotten. Rippling water shows lack of depth. Rise early and watch, labour and catch. Rise early, and you will observe; labour, and you will have. Rise early, live soberly, and apply yourself with industry. Rise never at nighttime, except thou art spying. Rising early makes the road short. Rivalry between scholars improves science. Rivalry of scholars advances wisdom. Rivers and mountains may change; human nature, never. Road is made by people walking on the ground. Roaring lions kill no prey. Roast geese don't come flying into your mouth. Roast pigeons don't fly through the air. Roasted locusts eaten at night bring dangerous dreams. Roasted pigeons will not fly into one's mouth. Roasting two, one gets burnt. (Do not do two things at one time, because one will fail.) Rob not, repent not. Rob Peter to Pay Paul. Roba di Scolca, roba di forca. Les gens de Scolca sont bons pour la potence. Rocking chairs make long-tailed cats uneasy. Rocks need no protection from the rain. Rockstone a riva battam noh know' sun hot. Roll me, don't curse me, said the stone to the ploughman. Romance without finance don't stand a 494 chance. Rome and Pavia weren't built in a day. Rome was not bigged on the first Day. Rome was not built in a day. Rome wasn't built in a day Rome wasn't built in one day. Romeo must die in order to save the love. Roof tiles are positioned to face downwards so that husbands and wives can be left alone. Rooster makes mo' racket dan de hen w'at lay de aig. Rooster today, feather duster tomorrow. Roosters' tail feathers: pretty but always behind. Roots do not know what a leaf has in mind. Roots of evil bear bitter fruits. Ropes that are too long become snakes. Rosary is hand, the devil at heart. Roses and maidens soon lose their bloom. Roses fall, but the thorns remain. Rotten straw can harm a healthy horse. Rotten wood cannot be carved. Round like a lime. Rowing with the oars you posess. Rue and time grew baith at ae garden. Rule the roost. Rule youth weel, for eild will rule itsel'. Rule youth well, and eild will rule it fell. Rule youth well, for eild will ruld itself. Rule: Never perform card tricks for the people you play poker with. Rules are made to be broken. Rumour grows easily enough, but is not easily silenced. Rumour is a great traveler. Rumours generate misunderstandings. Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined for you. Runaway son, a shining jewel; runaway daughter, tarnished. Running and buying don't go together -- running and selling do.