Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 488

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Put faith in your own abilities and not in the stars. Put first things first. Put it in the ground and trust in God. Put it on your shoulder and say it is not a burden. Put new wine into old bottles. Put no faith in a drunkard's prophecy, another man's dog, or the weather at any season. Put not all your eggs into one basket. Put not fire to flax. Put not thy hand between the bark and the tree. Put not your hand betwixt the rind and the Tree. Put not your trust in money; put you money in trust. Put not your trust in princes. Put off for one day and ten days will pass by. Put off the evil hour as long as you can. Put on your spurs and be at your speed. Put one person's hat on another's head. Put out the fire betimes, ere it reach the roof. Put silk on a goat, and it's still a goat. Put something sweet in his mouth and send good news to the heart. Put that in the next few. Put the belfry in the middle of the village. Put the cart before the horse. Put the light out, and all women are alike. Put the man to the mare that can manage the mare. Put the man to the mear that can manage the mear. Put the priest in the middle of the parish. Put the saddle on the right horse. Put things into their places, and they will put you into your place. Put to the sword those that disagree. Put twa half-pennies in a purse, and they will draw together. Put up or shut up. Put up with your present condition to avoid a bad future. Put your best foot forward 487 Put your hand in your conscience and see if it does not come out as black as pitch. Put your hand into the creel, and take your choice of flounders. Put your hand into the creel, and you will get either an adder, or an Eele. Put your hand nae farther oot than your sleeve will reach. Put your hand no farther nor your sleeve may reek. Put your hand quickly to your hat, and slowly in your purse, and you will take no harm. Put your money where your mouth is. Put your own shoulder to the wheel. Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry. Putting hope in a monk, is like trying to catch the wind in a net. Putting importance to an irrelevant and unnecessary occasion. Putting out a fire while holding firewood. Putting salt on every snail. Putting the cart before the horse. Putting the fox to mind the geese. Putting up a bee hive is to be patient; bees do not enter the hive at night. (success does not come overnight)