Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 478

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs People count up the faults of those who keep them waiting. People die voluntarily when it becomes impossible to live. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. People don't thank someone who doesn't thank God. People follow the religion/ ways of their kings. People follow the winner. People fool themselves. They pray for a long life but fear old age. People get the government they deserve. People get to know one another when traveling. People hate what they do not understand. People helping one another can bring an elephant into the house. People in trouble remember Allah. People lend only to the rich. People live in each other's shelter. People live like birds in the woods: When the time comes, each must take flight. People live with their own idiosyncrasies and die of their own illnesses. People make plans and God laughs. People make the bells say what they please. People may pass judgment without knowing the truth; God always renders punishment because God knows the whole truth. People must eat, even were every tree a gallows. People of the cave's slumber. People often change and seldom for the better. People pretend to dislike what they cannot get. People say that time goes by; time says that the people go by. People seek out big shots as flies seek out the elephant's tail. People should be mourned at their birth, not at their death. People should not talk while they are eating or pepper may go down the wrong way. 477 People show their character by what they laugh at. People slander somebody even if they do not despise him. People sometimes do all the wrong things for all the right reasons. People take more pains to be damned than to be saved. People talk about something until it actually happens. People tend to be attracted to what most benefits them. People think that the poor are not as wise as the rich, for if a man be wise, why is he poor? People want to avoid the dew before they become wet. People who are asleep can't fall down. People who do not break things first will never learn to create anything. People who do not mend things first will never produce something. People who drink to drown their sorrows, should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. People who fight on the ground should not go up the tree together. People who have bread to eat do not appreciate the severity of a famine. People who have little to do are excessive talkers. People who have not secret agreement are beaten by a single club. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. People who love one another do not dwell on each other’s mistakes. People will ignore their misfortunes and their interests when they are in competition with their pleasures. People with money and friends don't esteem justice. People with much ado usually don't know shallow. People with the same disease share sympathy.