Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 456

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Once you pour the water out of the bucket it's hard to get it back in it. Once you put on the wedding ring you must submit to all that is necessary. Once you've cut the bread, you cannot put it together again. Once you've started a competition, you must carry it to the finish. Once you've used enough seasoning; using more will spoil the dish. One "Take it" is more worth than two "Thou shalt have it". One "take this" is better than ten "God help you!" One "take this" is worth more than two "you shall have." One acre of performance, is worth twenty of the land of promise. One against whom accusations when made are easily believed. One ages every night one lives. One always knocks oneself in the sore place. One always returns to one's first love. One and none is all one. One and one are sometimes eleven. One and one sometimes make eleven. One appointment is eatedn by another. One armpit cannot hold two watermelons. One arrow does not bring down two birds. One ass among many monkeys is grinned at by all. One ass calls the other a pack animal. One ass nicknames another "Long-ears." One ass scrubs another. One at a time is good fishing; two at a time is making a hog of yourself. One bad apple spoils the bunch. One bad experience is worth more than a thousand threats. One bad eye spoils the other. One bad general is better than two good ones. One bag of money is stronger than two bags of truth. One bamboo does not make a forest. One barber shears another. One basket of grapes does not make a 455 vintage. One beam, no matter how big, cannot support an entire house on its own. One bean does not make a whole meal. One beast easily recognizes another. One beats one's breast who does not beat one's child. One beats the bush and another catches the birds. One beats the bush, another catches the bird. One beautiful day doesn't make a summer. One bee is as good as a handful of flies. One bee makes no honey; one grain makes no rice soup. One beetle recognises another. One beggar at the door is enough. One beggar likes not that another has two wallets. One bell serves a parish. One bird in hand is better far Than two that in the bushes are. One bird in the dish is better than a hundred in the air. One bird in the hand is better than two flying. One bird in the hand is better than two on the roof. One bird in the hand is worth four in the air. One bird in the hand is worth two flying. One bird in your hand is better than ten on the roof. One bite brings another. One blacksmith envies another. One blind man followed the other and they both fell into the ditch. One blind man leads another into the ditch. One blow will not knock a strong man down. One body cannot perform two services. One boy is more trouble that a dozen girls. One briar does not make a hedge. One butcher fears not many sheep. One by one we count the beans. One camel does not make fun of another camel's hump.