Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 443

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs No solutions without discussions. No song, no supper. No sooner have you spoken than what you have said becomes the property of anoth- er. No sooner is a law made than a way around it is discovered. No sooner is the law made than its evasion is discovered. No sooner said than done. No stake ever grew old with the bark on. No stopping the force of a going wheel by hand. No strength within, no respect without. No summer, but has its winter. No sunshine but hath some shadow. No sweat, no sweet. No sweet without some sweat. No sweet without sweat. No tattoo is made without blood. No thanks attach to a kindness long deferred. No time for your health today, will result in no health for your time tomorrow. No time like the present. No time to waste like the present. No tree but has rotten wood enough to burn it. No tree falls at the first stroke. No tree so small but it can cast a shade. No undertaking is difficult if pursued with perseverance. No use crying at the market, sell your fur coat and drink the money. No use in flogging a dead horse. No villain like the conscientious villain. No viper so little but hath its venom. No war has been fought by men carrying a calabash of 'njohi' but of 'ucuru'. No war has been fought by men carrying a calabash of 'njohi' but of 'ucuru'. No war is more bitter than the war of friends, but it does not last long. No wheat without chaff. No wind can do him good who steers for no port. No wind is of service to him that is bound 442 for nowhere. No wind is too cold for lovers. No wind, no waves. No wisdom like silence. No wisdom to silence. No wise man takes responsibility for an eighteen-year-old daughter. No woman can make a wise man out of a fool, but every woman can change a wise man into a fool. No woman ever speaks the naked truth. No woman is ugly when she is dressed. No woman marries an old man for God's sake. No wonder if he breaks his head who stumbles twice over one stone. No wonder lasts more than three days. No wonder lasts over three days. No word is ill spoken, that is not ill taken. No work, no money. No worst pestilence than a familiar enemy. No wrong without a remedy. No year has two summers. No. 1 is the first house in the row. Nobel and rich are the Messinans, heads of the kingdom are the Palermitani, the Catanians have a contented heart, and in Cefalu they are rich with fish. Nobility follows the man's line at a wedding. Nobility imposes obligations. Nobility is less esteemed when it lacks wealth. Nobility is nothing but ancient riches, and money is the world's idol. Nobility is what is earned by those who have no other earnings. Nobility of conduct is a greater recommendation than nobility of birth. Nobility of soul is more honourable than nobility of birth. Nobility without wealth is more worthless than the seaweed which the tide has left. Noble and common blood is of the same color.