Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 419

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Miguel, Miguel, you have no bees, and yet sell honey. Mildness governs more than anger. Milestone cornmeal unites families. Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully. Milk and honey have different colours, but they share the same house peacefully. Milk and wine together make an excellent poison. Milk belongs to the cow, but the bull cow gets the publicity. Milk for a child, meat for a man, beer for the old. Milk is procured form a cow which has a calf. Milk the cow that standeth still. Milk the cow, but do not pull off the udder. Millers and bakers do not steal, people bring to them. Millers take ay the best Multar with their own Hand. Millers, tailors, and weavers are not hanged, or the trade would soon be extinct. Mills an wifes is aye wantin. Mills and wives are ever wanting. Mind other men, but most yourself. Mind over matter. Mind what you must live by. Mind your own business. Mind your p's and q's. Minds are like parachutes; they only function when they are open. Mine and thine are the sources of all quarrels. Mint flower: the more you say "go away", the closer it comes. Mint, ere ye strike. Mirrors were not made for the blind. Mirth is the sugar of life. Mirth must be indulged in to prepare the mind for more serious matters. Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce. Mischief comes soon enough. Mischief has swift wings. Misers' money goes twice to market. 418 Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. Misery and poverty are two sisters; discord is their first cousin. Misery loves company. Misfortune comes on horseback and goes away on foot. Misfortune comes to all men. Misfortune conquers timid souls while great minds subdue misfortune. Misfortune does not always result in harm. Misfortune does not restrict his visits to one day. Misfortune does not visit the weak-hearted. Misfortune has no horn. Misfortune is easier to bear if you share it with many others. Misfortune is not that which can be avoided, but that which cannot. Misfortune of soup made of shanks and feet. Misfortune seldom comes alone to the house. Misfortune sits on a rich man's lap but grabs the throat of the pauper. Misfortune teaches us to pray. Misfortune upon misfortune is not wholesome. Misfortune, wood, and hair, grow throughout the year. Misfortunes always come in threes. These things always come in threes. Misfortunes are, in morals, what bitters are in medicine: each is at first disagreeable; but as the bitters act as corroborants to the stomach, so adversity chastens and ameliorates the disposition. Misfortunes come of themselves. Misfortunes come on horseback and depart on foot. Misfortunes do not flourish on one path, they grow everywhere. Misfortunes hasten age. Misfortunes make friends. Misfortunes make happiness more sweet when it comes. Misfortunes make strange bedfellows.