Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 417

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Men are like bagpipes no sound comes from them until they're full. Men are like fish; the great ones devour the small. Men are more prone to revenge injuries than to requite kindnesses. Men are not angels. Men are not measured in inches. Men are not weighed by hundredweight, but by the ounce, like gold. Men are punished by their sins, not for them. Men are rare. Men are very generous with what costs them nothing. Men build houses; women build homes. Men can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools ever known were learned men. Men can bear all things except good days. Men count up the faults of those who keep them waiting. Men cut large thongs of other men's leather. Men die but words live on. Men die, but writing remains. Men dig their graves with their teeth. Men do not know liberality. Men do not limp while their legs are the same length. Men don't build on strange ground. Men don't die of threats. Men eat fish -- thanks to the sauce. Men fall only in order to rise. Men fated to be happy need not haste. Men fear death as children do going in the dark. Men fear, but time fears the pyramids. Men for tea, women for talk. Men get wealth and women keep it. Men go not laughing to heaven. Men goes over the dike at the laichest. Men grow old, pearls grow yellow, there is no cure for it. Men have got quills. Men have thought about their marriage a whole year long -- and it lasts but one night. 416 Men have three ears: one on the left of the head, one on the right of the head, and one in the heart. Men in glass houses should not throw stones. Men in office must work hard. Men in the game are blind to what men looking on see clearly Men in the game are blind to what men looking on see clearly. Men know not all their faults, oxen all their strength. Men laugh with their heart, women only with their mouth. Men leap over where the hedge is lowest. Men learn little from success, but much from failure. Men learn oratory by practice. Men like guests more than women do. Men look more like their uncles on the mother's side. Men made money; money never made men. Men make houses, women make homes. Men make laws; women make morals. Men make the earth black from green leaves. Men make wealth, and women preserve it. Men may buy Gold over dear. Men meet, only mountains do not. Men must sail while the wind serveth. Men must sew up tears with gentleness. Men never moan over the opportunities lost to do good, only the opportunities to be bad. Men prefer the wife of another but love their own sons more. Men prone to tears are good. Men see more of the business of others than of their own. Men see only the present; heaven sees the future. Men seek a warm hearth as termites seek rotten wood. Men seek less to be instructed than applauded. Men should swim in big waters.