Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 416

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Mealie-meal that is carried on a tour is the one that gets soaked. Mean fathers, wasteful sons. Meaningless laughter is a sign of ill- breeding. Meanness looks through one eye only, ambition is blind. Measure a thousand times and cut once. Measure a thousand times, cut once. Measure for measure. Measure is treasure. Measure the corn of others with your own bushel. Measure three times and cut once. Measure three times before you cut once. Measure thrice before you cut once. Measure thrice what thou buyest; and cut it but once. Measure thy cloth ten times, thou canst cut it but once. Measure twice before you cut once. Measure twice, cut but once. Measure twice, cut once. Measure your guilt, then stretch your legs. Measure your throat before you swallow a bone. Measure, is Treasure. Meat and mass hinders no man. Meat and mass never hindered man. Meat does not eat meat. Meat has no choice morsel. Meat is gude, but mense is better. Meat is much, but manners is better. Meat makes meat, bread makes a paunch, and wine makes you dance. Meat makes, and clothes shapes, but manners makes a man. Meat that the cat brings in never gets to your plate. Meddle not in what you don't understand. Meddle not with another man's matter. Meddle with dirt and some of it will stick to you. Medicine can only cure curable diseases, and then not always. Medicine cures the man who is fated not to die. 415 Medicine has repeatedly failed, baldness has no cure (cannot be treated) Medicine left in the bottle can't help. Medicine that heals is not always sweet and caring words are not always pleasant. Medicines are not meat to live by. Medicines be not meat to live by. Mediocrity is climbing molehills without sweating. Meekness is the pride of the humble. Meet on the stairs and you won't meet in heaven. Meeting death is better than trying to ignore it. Meikle crack fills nae sack. Meikle has, would ay have more. Meikle Head, little Wit. Meikle must a good heart thole. Meikle spoken, part must spill. Memory is everyone's friend -- it leaves you when you need it most. Memory is life's clock. Memory slips, letters remain. Men after the modern fashion, and asses after the ancient. Men and women are never placed too far apart to be near. Men and women sleep on the same pillow, but they have different dreams. Men and women towards each other are for the eyes and the heart, and not only for the bed. Men apt to promise are apt to forget. Men are as old as they fell, and women as they look. Men are best loved furthest off. Men are blind in their own cause. Men are bound by words, bulls' horns by ropes. Men are equal whe they are going and walking. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Men are just as God made them -- and a little worse.