Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 406

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Mackerel sky and mares' tails make lofty ships carry low sails. Mad as a wet hen. Mad desire, when it has the most, longs for more. Mad dogs get their coats torn. Mad dogs get their skin torn. Mad drunkenness discloses every secret. Mad love--I for you, and you for another. Made thirthy, we should make thirty-one. Maiden's bairns are aye well bred. Maidens say no, and mean yes. Maidens should be meek till they be married. Maidens should be meek while they be married. Maids say nay, and take. Mair by luck than good guiding. Mair hamely than welcome. Mair hast the waur speed. Maistery mowes the Meadows down. Maize cannot get justice in a chicken's court. Maize grows well for those without teeth. (People who don’t deserve to get something are often the ones who get them.) Maize grows well where people have no teeth. Maize matures for people without teeth. Make a bridge of silver for the flying enemy. Make a friend of the wolf, but keep your axe ready. Make a friend when you don't need one. Make a garden or plant, and a man is happy for life. Make a kirk or a mill o't. Make a loan and lose a friend. Make a ng’anga cautions, illness always comes. (don’t disappoint who assist you) Make a pact with the devil until you have crossed the bridge. Make a silver bridge for a flying enemy. Make a sound in the east then strike in the west. Make a virtue of necessity. Make a virtue out of necessity. Make ae lang step and down ye gae. 405 Make agreements without guile. Make ample provision for old age. Make bread while the oven is hot. Make deaf ears to stupid words. Make do with bread and butter until God can bring you jam. Make every bargain clear and plain, that none may afterwards complain. Make friends with what is good in a man and not his goods. Make fun of the man, not of his hat. Make good flour and you need no trumpet. Make good flour, and do not blow the trumpet. Make good use of your time, it flies fast. Make happy those who are near, and those who are far will come. Make haste slowly. Make hay while the sun shines. Make love, not war. Make me a diviner and I will make thee rich. Make me a prophet and I will make you rich. Make money and money should make you. Make my enemy brave and strong, so that if defeated, I will not be ashamed. Make new friends but keep the old. Make new friends, but don't forget the old ones. Make no balks of good beerland. Make no headache of what is not your business. Make no more haste than good speed. Make not a balk of good ground. Make not a fence more expensive or more important than the thing that is fenced. Make not meikle of little. Make not the door wider than the house. Make not the sauce till you have caught the fish. Make not thy tail broader than thy wings. Make not twa mewes of ane daughter. Make not twa mewes of ane daughter. Make not your sail too big for the ballast. Make not your sail too big for your ballast.