Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 399

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Live with vultures, and become a vulture; live with crows, and become a crow. Live with vultures, become a vulture; live with crows, become a crow. Live with wolves, and you learn to howl. Live with your friend as if he might become your enemy. Live your own life, for you die your own death. Live your own life, for you will die your own death. Live, and let live. Live, horse, and you'll get grass. Livelesse, faultlesse. Livestock become acquainted by neighing to one another, people become. Living at a river, one comes to know the nature of the fish therein; Dwelling by a mountain, one learns to recognize the language of the birds thereupon. Living in the past has one thing going for it; it's cheaper. Living in worry invites death in a hurry. Living is not a reward and dying is no crime. Living life is not like crossing a meadow. Living life is not like just crossing a field. Living mindlessly is paradise. Living near a lake doesn't mean you eat fish whenever you need. Living with a devil, you have to turn a devil. Living your life is not like crossing a meadow. Lo does not thank for little will thank for much. Loaning money causes loss of memory. Loans and debts make worries and frets. Loans and debts make worry and frets. Loans are to come home laughingly. Loaves put awry into the oven come out crooked. Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. Lock your door and keep your neighbours honest. Lock your door rather than suspect your neighbor. 398 Locks and keys are not made for honest fingers. Locks can not be made from good iron, soldiers are not made out of good people. Locks keep out only the honest. Lo'e me little an' lo'e me lang. Loneliness breaks the spirit. Loneliness is a nest for the thoughts. Lonely is one. Long absence and guilt can change a friend. Long absence changes friends. Long absent, soon forgotten. Long and lazy, little and loud; fat and fulsome, pretty and proud. Long borrowed is not given. Long choosing and cheapening ends in buying nothing, or bad wares. Long churning makes bad butter. Long ere you cut Falkland-wood with a Pen- knife. Long fasting doesn't save bread. Long fasting is no bread sparing. Long fasting is no economy of food. Long fingers count out money. Long foretold, long last; short notice, soon past. Long hair, short wit. Long is not for ever. Long jesting was never good. Long lean wakes hameald cattell. Long life to the conqueror. Long live the headdress, because hats come and go. Long loneliness is better than bad company. Long looked for comes at last. Long on hair, short on brains. Long or short, a stick is always a stick; tall or short, people are always people. Long roads test the horse, long dealings the friend. Long runs the fox, but at last is caught. Long sausage and short sermon are good. Long service awaits rewards. Long skirts carry dust, but short skirts carry away souls.