Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 373

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs It’s those ugly caterpillars that turn into beautiful butterflies after seasons. It’s too late to shut the stable-door after the horse has bolted. Italian devotion and German fasting have no meaning. Italians talk to women, Frenchmen to the learned, and the Spaniard talks to God. Italy will take care of itself. It's a bad bridge that is narrower than the stream. It's a bad child who does not take advice. It's a bad hen that won't scratch herself. It's a bad hound that's not worth the whistling. It's a bad mouthful that chokes. It's a bad plan that cannot be changed. It's a bad sign when the sick person tosses and turns in bed. It's a bad start on the week for the man who is hanged on a monday. It's a big wind that blows on small doors. It's a brave bird that makes its nest in the cat's ear. It's a cauld stamach that naething hets on. It's a cold coal to blow at. It's a crime if you get caught. It's a fair dung bairn that dare not greit. It's a far cry to loch awe. It's a fine sermon about fasting when the preacher just had lunch. It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf its confessor. It's a free country. It's a friend who gives you advice. It's a good answer that knows when to stop. It's a good horse that never stumbles. It's a good marriage when he's twenty eight and she's eighteen. It's a great advantage to love someone in your neighborhood: you see each other often and you don't have to travel. It's a hardship that will go away. It's a ill kitchen that keeps the breid awa. It's a long lane that has no turning. It's a long river whose head can't be found. It's a long way from the said to the done. 372 It's a' outs an' ins, like Willie Wood's wife's wame. It's a poor bird that fouls its own nest. It's a poor frog who doesn't play with his own pond. It's a poor heart that never rejoices. It's a poor mouse that sits on the sack and doesn't gnaw. It's a poor sheep that cannot carry its own wool. It's a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. It's a silly pack that may not pay the custom. It's a sin to steal a pin. It's a small thing that outlives a man. It's a Small world. It's a sooth dream that's seen waking. It's a very proud horse that will not carry his oats. It's a well-known fact, dirt stinks more when stirred. It's all fate and chance. It's all grist to the mill. It's all right to drink like a fish if you drink what a fish drinks. It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in the door. It's always good to have an old man at a little boy's side. It's always hard to convince a hungry person. It's always something said the girl with a nosebleed. It's an easy burden that another carries. It's an ill army when the devil carries the colours. It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest. It's an ill cause that a lawyer thinks shame of. It's an ill plan that cannot be changed. It's an ill supper which come from other's hand. It's an ill wind that blows no good. It's an ill wind that blows no one any good It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.