Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 372

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs It takes two to lie, one to lie and one to listen. It takes two to make a bargain. It takes two to make a quarrel but only one to end it. It takes two to make a quarrel. It takes two to quarrel, but only one to end it. It takes two to start an altercation, but only one to end it. It takes two to tango. It takes two turbans to make a wise head. It that God will give, the Devil cannot reave. It that lies not in your gate, breaks not your shins. It usually rains where it's already wet. It was a difficult childbirth. It was baked too late. It was Blacksmith's guilt, but the Gypsy was hanged. It was needed as a Slovak glazier needed falling on his back. It was not on one foot that st. patrick came to ireland. It was probably a waste of time anyway. It was smooth on paper, but forgotten about ravines. It was smooth on paper, but we've forgotten about ravines. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back. It went into smoke. It will all be the same a hundred years hence. It will all come out in the soap-suds. It will all come right in the wash. It will always be rotten for me, said the farmer when they ran out of sacrament wine precisely when he wanted to go forward. It will be a feather out of your wing. It will be all one a thousand years hence. It will be all the same a hundred years hence. It will be all the same in a hundred years. It will be an ill web to bleitch. It will be fool's hardy for the ant to chase an 371 elephant. It will be what will be. It will come in an hour, that will not come in a year. It will happen when the Danube reverts its course or dries up. It will heal well before your wedding. It will last out our time; if after us no grass grows, what does it matter to us? It will not do to keep holidays before they come. It will not last longer than frying an egg. It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone. It will once come to pass as the old goose quacked. It will snap where it's the thinnest. It will soon show which milk will yield a good curd. It won't do to trifle with fire. It won't work to tell your feet: come. It would be a huge book that contained all the may be said in a day. It would be a very big book that contained all the maybes uttered in a day. It would be clear enough even to a blind man. It would be good to have two mouths and speak to yourself with both. It would make a man scratch where it doth not itch, to see a man live poor to die rich. It would puzzle even Apollo to understand it. It’s an ill bird that fouls its own nest. It’s easy to tear down a house than to buld it. It’s good to thank the one who made a blanket when June strikes. It’s mine, it’s mine made a hole on the gourd’s side. (Don’t insist on doing something alone that you know nothing about as you may destroy it.) It’s much easier to fall in love than to stay in love.