Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 369

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs It is the same life whether we spend it crying or laughing. It is the same moon that wanes today that will be the full moon tomorrow. It is the sauce that makes the fish edible. It is the season not the soil that brings the crop. It is the seed of the umya. It is the self-love of the king parrot that made him become a talkative. It is the small expenses that empty your purse. It is the snake that smells the rat. It is the softness of the lime that is fatal to the bird. It is the soil that knows that the mouse's baby is ill. It is the spirit that walks a person through darkness. It is the still and silent sea that drowns a man. It is the taste that tells the tale. It is the tone that makes the music. It is the toothless animal that arrives first at the base of the fruit tree, to eat his fill before others arrive. It is the trapped animal that makes the most noise. It is the traveller who carries the news. It is the tree that gives its nature to the fruit. It is the truth that irritates a person. It is the very backbone of wisdom not to trust too hastily. It is the voyage not the ship that matters. It is the wandering dog that finds the old bone. It is the wife who knows her husband. It is the woman whose child has been eaten by a witch who best knows the evils of witchcraft. It is the work of one's hands that decides what one eats for dinner - for some it is pounded yam, for others it is pounded plantain or nothing. It is thou must honour the place, not the place thee. It is time enough to take off your hat when 368 you see the man. It is to please herself that the cat purrs. It is too late for a galloping horse to stop at a clip; it is useless for a sinking boat to be mended in the middle of a river. It is too late for the bird to scream when it is caught. It is too late for you, let God give your children some intelligence. It is too late to call back yesterday. It is too late to come with water when the house is burnt down. It is too late to cover the well when the child is drowned. It is too late to cry "Hold hard!" when the arrow has left the bow. It is too late to cry cat, when the bacon is eaten. It is too late to learn to swim when the water is up to your lips. It is too late to lock the stable door when the horses have already been stolen. It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen. It is too late to shut the stable-door after the horse has bolted. It is too late to throw water on the cinders when the house is burnt down. It is too much to expect of a cat that she should sit by the milk and not lap it. It is true that all men sayes. It is truth that makes a many angry. It is unclear who has money and who faith. It is ungentlemanly to lie; truthfulness becomes the gentleman. It is unlucky to marry in May. It is unpleasant to go alone, even to be drowned. It is unwise for one to think that a hen will ever be accorded respect in the land of the hawks. It is unwise to be financially dependent on someone else. It is up to the people to feed the dogs; it's up to the Cardias to feed the Turks.