Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 368

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs It is the belly which daily gives thanks. It is the best spake in your wheel. It is the blood of the soldier that makes the general great. It is the boast of every juju priest that unless he dies, no thief can ever come to steal his juju away. It is the brutally outspoken man that earns enmity. It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man. It is the chef who knows the contents of the pot the best. It is the cloth of an orphan that is often given to the guest. It is the crime that causes the shame, and not the punishment. It is the deaf people that create the lies. It is the destiny of the donkey to carry the heavy burden. It is the dog which is hit by the tossed stick, which yelps. It is the duty of a good sportsman to kill game freely, but not kill all. It is the duty of children to wait on elders, and not the elders on children. It is the duty of friends mutually to correct each other. It is the end of the shahnameh that is pleasant. It is the essence of good taste to do that which is consistent with our position. It is the fate of the coconut husk to float, for the stone to sink. It is the fate of the great ones of this earth, to be appreciated only after they are gone. It is the fear of offence that makes men swallow poison. It is the fear of what tomorrow may bring that makes the tortoise to carry his house along with him wherever he goes. It is the first shower that wets. It is the first step that is difficult. It is the fool whose own tomatoes are sold to him. It is the fool's sheep that break loose twice. It is the foot of a baboon. 367 It is the fortunate person that the physician undertakes to help. It is the good horse that draws its own cart. It is the grass that knows where the snake goes. It is the great north wind that made the Vikings. It is the habit that a child forms at home, that follows them to their marriage. It is the habit that a child forms at home, that follows them to their marriage. It is the hunter who always beats the lions, because it is the hunter who always tells the stories. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. It is the law that judges, not the judge. It is the master-wheel that makes the mill go round. It is the mind that wins or loses. It is the nature of the greyhound to carry a long tail. It is the old cow's notion that she never was a calf. It is the one who lies by a fire who can feel how hot it is. It is the one who lies by a fire who feels the heat. It is the one who sticks his hand in the stew pot who can feel how hot it is. It is the one whose leg you cured who kicks you with it. It is the pace that kills. It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it. It is the path of the needle that the thread is accustomed to follow. It is the perfection of art when no trace of the artist appears. It is the petty expenses that empty the purse. It is the pot that boils but the dish that gets the credit. It is the quiet pigs that eat the meal. It is the raised stick that makes the dog obey.