Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 36

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A hundred divine epochs would not suffice to describe all the marvels of the Himalaya. A hundred male and a hundred female qualities make a perfect human being. A hundred men can make an encampment, but it requires a woman to make a home. A hundred men can sit together quietly but when two dogs get together there will be a fight. A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home. A hundred no’s are less agonizing than one insincere yes. A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers make three hundred thieves. A hundred waggonsful of sorrow will not pay a handful of debt. A hundred wagon loads of thoughts will not pay a single ounce of debt. A hundred years a banner, a hundred years a barrow. A hundred years cannot repair a moment’s loss of honour. A hundred years hence we shall all be bald. A hundred years is not much, but never is a long time. A hundred years of fretting will not pay a halfpenny of debt. A hundred years of regret pay not a farthing of debt. A hundred years of wrong do not make an hour of right. A hundred-year-old revenge still has its baby teeth. A hungry ass eats any straw. A hungry ass keeps her kicking end down. A hungry ass needs not a blow. A hungry bear won’t dance. A hungry belly has no ears. A hungry belly hears nobody. A hungry belly listens to no one. A hungry calf cannot frisk happily over another with a full stomach. 35 A hungry clown is half mad. A hungry dog and a thirsty horse take no heed of blows. A hungry dog does not fear the stick. A hungry dog is not afraid of a cudgelling. A hungry dog will bring a lion down. A hungry dog will eat dirty pudding. A hungry dog will eat his own excrement A hungry hen sees herself in a wheat silo. A hungry horse maketh a clean manger. A hungry louse bites fair. A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers. A hungry man is an angry man. A hungry man is glad to get boiled wheat. A hungry man observes no taboos. A hungry man smells meat far. A hungry man thinks he won’t be satiated, a thirsty man thinks he won’t be quenched. A hungry man will listen to nothing. A hungry man will thrust his fingers into a snake’s hole in search of a grasshopper. A hungry man’s any angry. A hungry person dreams of sangak bread. A hungry pig dreams of acorns. A hungry stomach has no ears. A hungry stomach is aye craving. A hungry stomach makes a short prayer. A hungry wolf is not at rest. A hungry wolf is stronger than a satisfied dog. A hunter does not tell of everything he sees in the bush. A hunter has no mysterious notions about the forest. A hunter is not afraid of thorns. A hunter who is never satisfied with his gain will one day be forced to carry home an elephant. A hunter with one arrow doesn’t shoot with a careless aim. A hunter’s knife cannot carve its own han- dle.