Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 346

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs In our eyes the neighbor's chicken is a goose. In peace be faithful; in war be valiant. In politics, a man must learn to rise above principle. In Polizzi you'll find water, fog, kites, priests with children, commissions and delegates. In proportion as anger comes, sense departs. In prosperity caution, in adversity patience. In prosperity look out for squalls. In prosperity no altars smoke. In prosperity think of adversity. In prosperity you may count on many friends; if the sky becomes overcast you will be alone. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. In reviling, it is not necessary to prepare a preliminary draft. In Russia as you must, in Poland as you like. In Russia every day is of thirty hours. In shallow holes moles make fools of dragons. In shallow waters, shrimps make fools of dragons. In small boxes the best spice. In small churches, small saints are big. In small woods may be caught large hares. In some mens aught mon the old horse die. In someone else’s village, a wreath cannot be threaded. (A person does not have total freedom to do what they want in other people’s village.) In space, comes Grace. In spending lies the advantage. In spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to what the woman has been thinking all winter. In spring no one thinks of the snow that fell last year. In still water are the largest fish. In still water the worms are worst. In still waters are the largest fish. In strategy, secrecy is highly regarded. In studying the way, realizing it is hard; once you have realized it, preserving it is 345 hard. When you can preserve it, putting it into practice is hard. In sunshine the dust is seen. In sweet converse call the righteous to thy side, learn a healing song while thou livest. In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior. In teaching others we teach ourselves. In the absence of honest men, they made my father mayor. In the absence of water lizards can claim to be crocodiles. In the ant's house, the dew is a flood. In the army there is no Uncle Peter. In the bagpiper's house they are all dancers. In the birds' court, a cockroach never wins his case. In the boss's eyes you'll always see ambition. In the boy see the man. In the broken nest there are no whole eggs. In the bush, Mr. Snake failed. (Do not look down at your own home because one day you will want to return.) In the coldest flint there is hot fire. In the company of the blind, close your eyes. In the company of the good we become good. In the councils of a state, the question is not so much, what ought to be done? As, what can be done? In the country of the blind blessed is he that hath one eye. In the country of the blind the one eyed man is king. In the countryside eat cardoon, because at the castle you'll eat pigeon. In the courtroom of the conscience, a case is always in progress. In the dark all cats and all girls are beautiful. In the darkness all cows are black. In the daytime do we chase the black goat.